Why have I waited so long to read the book The Last Lecture, by Randy Pausch? I am only halfway through and can hardly wait to finish. I will then watch the video of his last lecture.
Mr. Pausch tells about being on a football team and the coach really getting after him.
Coach Graham used to ride me hard. I remember one practice in particular. "You're doing it all wrong, Pausch. Go back! Do it again!" I tried to do what he wanted. It wasn't enough. "You owe me, Pausch! You're doing push-ups after practice."
When I was finally dismissed, one of the assistant coaches came over to reassure me. "Coach Graham rode you pretty hard, didn't he?" he said. "That's a good thing," the assistant told me. "When you're screwing up and nobody says anything to you anymore, that means they've given up on you."
"They've given up on you" -- That made me think about how we treat our kids today. What are we teaching them? Do we give up on them or do we teach them? Do we care enough to discipline them?
I read a newspaper article about parents suing a school because their son got kicked off the basketball team. He didn't want to cut his hair. The rule: Hair cut above the eyes, over the ears and off the neck. Makes sense to me. You would want your players to be able to see where they are going. The parents said their child should be able to have his hair cut anyway he wanted. If the parents win, what does this child learn? He learns rules are not important. I have news for all people: There are rules in life. The choice is yours -- Follow the rules and play on the basketball team or wear your hair long.
There is no last place anymore. Every team gets a trophy. We wouldn't want anyone to feel bad. Give me a break! There are losers. One team wins and one team loses, not one team wins and the other team almost wins.
And teachers, get out those red pens. There are mistakes!!! 2 + 2 = 4. 2 + 2 = 3 needs a red mark beside it, not a discreet pencil giving them half a credit for trying. We are creating a generation of students who do not know how to take criticism.
Have we given up on our children? When we allow them to not follow the rules or suffer the consequences, when we do not teach them how to lose and when we do not correct them, it is because we have given up on them.
Oh drat. God has rules he expects us to follow. God says some people will lose out and not enter the kingdom of heaven. God does discipline us when we do wrong.
And you have forgotten that word of encouragement that addresses you as sons: "My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those he loves and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son." (Notes on this text: Suffering and persecution should be seen as corrective and instructive training for our spiritual development as his children.)
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
This is a new year. Is there anyone you have given up on? Anyone you have just said, "Why bother? They just don't get it and will not listen?" Is there anyone you need to give another chance?
LET US PRAY (Please use this as a beginning of your prayer. Finish in your own words, words from your heart.)
How do I pray for discipline? I don't like getting told I have done something wrong. I don't want to lose! And all those rules! How about if I just do as I want? How about if I --- O, Lord, discipline me. Teach me your rules so I may learn to live the abundant life you have planned for me. O, Lord, discipline me. Teach me to handle defeat so I can learn humility. O, Lord, discipline me. Do not quietly point out my sins. Be bold so I do not miss your directions. O, Lord, discipline me. It is then that I know you love me and that you have not given up on me. Amen