Friday, December 31, 2021


In this day and age, why would anyone watch the news?  Why pick up a newspaper?  Why turn the radio to anything except good ole rock’n roll?  It is not like the news is even news!  You have to pick out the truth and it is harder than getting something out that is stuck between two teeth.  I JUST WANT THE NEWS!

Someone asked me why I even read the news.  Why do I get upset?  Why do I post on Facebook?  

Why do I look up more than one source?

It is New Year’s Eve and I am sure you all have big plans, so this blog is going to be very short, but I want to answer the question on why I pay attention to the news.  It is simple: I want to be informed.  I want to know how local, national, and worldwide events will apply to my life.  I want to know before it is too late to change the direction our world and my life might be taking.

This is the same reason I pray and read the Bible and go to church.  I want to know how God’s word applies to my life.  I want to know before it is too late to change the direction my life might be taking.

I am only one person, one voice and I have no control over the direction of the world.  BUT, I do have control over the direction my life is taking and I have made one very important decision.

I choose to believe in Jesus Christ as the only Son of the one true God.  I confess that I am a sinner and do not deserve even a small crumb from the heavenly table of blessings.  I am A Child of God and will have eternal life, through the death of Jesus, on the Cross, and His resurrection.

As this year ends, you have the choice to begin a new year in a new direction.  What choice will you make?


Happy New Year

Friday, December 24, 2021


 Although I was too young to remember the first move, I have lived in nine homes.  I used to say, if I had baling twine, duct tape, and boxes, I could pack up a house in a day.  For sure it would take me longer now!!  Each move was for a good reason and each house became a home the moment we walked through the door.  BUT … we were never forced to flee for fear of our lives.

When the Wise Men had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream.  “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt.  Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.”

Disclaimer: You will not find the following in Scripture.  You will only find it in my mind as I try to picture the activities unfolding.

I can imagine Joseph waking Mary and telling her to quickly grab only essentials.  I can imagine Mary looking at Joseph and saying, “Are you sure it was an angel and not something you ate?”

And all the time - panic … Would they escape?  Would they be followed?  How?  Why?  During this panic, I picture Jesus calmly standing there with his teddy bear, his sandals on, and ready to go.  Joseph and Mary, once again, obeyed.  They left Bethlehem.

Egypt —- A new country.  New traditions and new cultures would have surrounded Joseph, Mary, and Jesus as they waited.  I wonder if Joseph went to bed every night and wondered, “Maybe tonight the angel will appear in my dream.” I wonder if every morning Mary asked, “Did you dream?”

Cliff Notes: It was all over the news: Herod is dead!  Joseph went to sleep.  The angel appeared with instructions to go to the land of Israel.  News flash:  Archelaus replaces his father, Herod.  Another dream and the family headed to Nazareth in Galilee.


We have now come full circle. 

In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee.


When Joseph and Mary had done everything required by the Law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee to their own town of Nazareth.  And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.

Joseph, Mary, and Jesus went home.


The Christmas Story did not end at the birth.  The baby became a toddler.  The toddler became a teenager.  The teenager became a man.  And all this time, Jesus was learning.  He learned how to walk and talk and eat and drink.  He learned how to get up after falling down and he learned it hurt when he stubbed his toe.  He was observing.  He was listening to the words of the Old Testament.  He played.  He worked.  He saw people happy, sad, grieving, and celebrating.  He saw birth and he saw death.  Jesus was experiencing life, as he waited to begin his ministry.

We call it a Christmas Story or a Christmas Miracle, but we should call it the Miracle which began on Christmas because the Good News – no – GREAT NEWS is that


“Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You believe in God; believe also in me.  My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.  You know the way to the place where I am going.”

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.  If you really know me, you will know my Father as well.  From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”    John 14:2-4, 6-7

After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.    Mark 16:19

A Miracle Began on Christmas --

A baby was born that day.

The New Testament began that day.

Our chance for eternal life began that day.

Merry Christmas


Friday, December 17, 2021



Love – Finding love in the Christmas story is a piece of cake! 

No one knows if Mary and Joseph were “in love” when they were pledged to be married.  I think it is safe to assume Mary loved Joseph by the time Jesus was born.  How could she not?  He took her into his home even after finding out she was pregnant.  He was there for her – and that is love!

Joseph took Mary home as his wife because an angel told him to.  Did he love her then?  We do not know, but we know he was an honorable man who obeyed an angel sent with a message from God.  Joseph had no union with her until after Jesus was born.  He respected Mary.  Joseph took Mary and Jesus to Egypt to keep them safe.  He took care of them.  Joseph was there as Jesus grew and became strong.  Joseph saw Jesus become filled with wisdom and the grace of God.  He was there – and that is love!


I looked up the meanings of hope, peace, and joy.  I gave up on a meaning for love.  My goodness, there are books and books and articles and articles on the subject.  They all seem to go in different directions.  Scholars will tell you the meaning in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew.  Scholars can sometimes be way too scholarly. 

The word love is applied to everything today.  I love cheesecake.  I love sunrises.  I love my neighbor.  I love my car.  I love my church.  I love …  I love … I love.  And of course, I love my family and friends.  A lifetime could be spent researching the word and the emotion.  You might be thinking, “I wonder how Mary would describe love.”

Well, since you were thinking that, I will answer your question.  I think love is a gift we give away.  If we have love and we hold onto it, it is worthless.  It is only when love is given away that it has value.


Mary and Joseph gave the gift of love to a child. 

Love held onto is worthless… ahhh .. BUT love given as a gift opens our heart and we are blessed with an emotion that cannot be described in any language.  The gift of love can be given in the simple act of holding a hand.  Or listening.  Or doing the dishes.  Or comforting a scared child.  Or by …….

….. by sending your Son.

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,

and the government will be on his shoulders.

And he will be called





Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end.

Isaiah 9:6-7

Friday, December 10, 2021


I can hear the conversation, as Joseph tells Mary, “Oh Mary, I wish we did not have to go to Bethlehem.  It is going to be so hard on you.”

“I will be fine, Joseph.  God will take care of us.  Did you get a reservation?”

“No,” Joseph replied.  “I tried the Hampton and Holiday Inn.  They have no rooms.  Motel 6 is so full they turned the light off.”

The journey ahead of Joseph and Mary would be filled with many trials and unknowns.  A journey.  No room.  A baby due.  Responsibilities.  Where would Joseph and Mary find joy?


The American Psychological Association describes joy as a feeling of extreme gladness, delight, or exultation of the spirit arising from a sense of well-being or satisfaction.  The feeling of joy may take two forms: passive and active.  Passive joy involves tranquility and a feeling of contentment with things as they are.  Active joy involves a desire to share one’s feelings with others.

Ingrid Fetell Lee, a designer whose work focuses on the way design affects our lives and empowers people to find more joy in daily life, wrote, “There’s also research that connects experiences of joy, and particularly sharing joy with other people, to improved relationships.  When we share little moments of joy with other people, it forms a signal that lets them know that we’re actually going to be there for them not just when things are good but when times are tough.”


Okay, let’s do the obvious.  Joseph and Mary found great joy the moment they saw and held the baby Jesus.  But were there other joys while they were waiting for the birth?  Oh my YES ! ! !

Think back to when the angel came to Mary.  Now, picture a young woman, head bowed, shoulders relaxed, and breathing very slowly as she says, “I am the Lord’s servant.” She had a sense of well-being.  JOY.

Remember Joseph as he awoke from his dream and he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him.  He would be beside Mary and the baby for life! JOY.

Mary went to see her cousin, Elizabeth.  Can you imagine the joy in the room the minute Mary entered and Elizabeth heard her voice?  If sharing joy can improve a relationship, Mary and Elizabeth’s relationship leaped to a whole new level.  JOY.

Mary and Joseph had hope and they found peace in their decisions, but their entire story is a story of joy.  Joy in their hearts as they committed their lives to God’s plan.  Joy in their lives as they followed God’s plan.  Joy as two babies connected while in the womb.  Joy when they heard the cry of a newborn.  Joy as the shepherds came.  JOY … JOY … So much joy the heavenly host praised God and said, “Glory to God in the highest heaven.

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid.  I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.  Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.  This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

Luke 2:10-12


The Bible has 66 Books.  The New Testament has 27 books and, depending on the translation, 7,957 verses.  The Christmas Story, the birth of God’s Son, is told in 71 of those verses in Matthew and Luke.  Hope, peace, and joy are a result of the true meaning of Christmas:  LOVE.  Please read Matthew 1:18-25 - 2:1-12 and Luke 1:26-56 and 2:1-20.  

Friday, December 03, 2021


How quickly life can change.  One minute we have the hope for a better future and the next our future is not exactly what we had hoped for.

Mary had so many “hopes” as she prepared to become Joseph’s wife.  Her future was set and …

Mary’s day had been like every other day.  She had helped her mother cook.  She had checked her small stack of items she would move into Joseph’s house.  Her day had passed quickly and she was looking forward to a few minutes alone.  How precious a few quiet minutes were.  Taking a deep breath, Mary relaxed …..

An angel came to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”

The angel continued, “You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.”

Joseph was, to say the least, shocked when he found out Mary was pregnant.  They had plans.  Yes, she was young, but he would be a kind and understanding husband, but to find out she was pregnant made him question their future.  Quickly, he decided he would quietly divorce her.  That would be the best for them.  Yes, a quiet divorce.

A dream and now it was clear.  He was no longer afraid to take Mary as his wife.  The angel had told him, “What is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.”  He found Mary and “took Mary home as his wife.  But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son.  And he gave him the name Jesus.”


What picture comes to mind when you hear the word peace?  Do you see a world without wars?  A country which maintains public order?  A society which lacks hostility?  These would certainly be wonderful.  But – do you ever consider peace as a personal thing?

Peace can also have meaning to each of us, individually.  Peace can mean a state of quiet or tranquility without mental stress or anxiety.

On the All Time Short Stories website, there is a story titled The Real Meaning of Peace.  The story tells of a king looking for a picture of peace.  Wonderful calm paintings were presented, but the one he picked was a great surprise. 

The picture was of a ragged, bare mountain and angry weather.  It did not look peaceful, until you looked very closely. The story explained: “As the king inspected the picture, he could see a tiny bush growing in the cracks in the rock.  In the bush, a mother bird had built her nest.  In the midst of the rush of angry weather, the bird sat on her nest with peace.

The peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise or trouble.  Peace means to be in the midst of all the chaos and still be calm in the heart.  The real peace is the state of mind, not the state of the surroundings.”


But how did Mary find peace.  God was asking much of her.  God asked her to change her life and all she had hoped for.  How was Joseph to find peace?  God was asking him to be a father to a child which would fulfill the words of a prophet.

We so often think of peace in global terms, but peace is also a personal thing.  How did Mary and Joseph find their personal peace?

The angel spoke to Mary and Mary answered: “I am the Lord’s servant.  May your word to me be fulfilled.”

The angel spoke to Joseph and “Joseph woke up and did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him …”

Mary and Joseph found peace by hearing and obeying God.

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign:

The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.

Isaiah 7:14


Joseph and Mary have a journey ahead of them.  They must travel to Bethlehem, the town of David, because Caesar Augustus ordered a census be taken.  Will joy come at the end of this journey?


Friday, November 26, 2021


Can you see her?  A young girl standing under her favorite tree.  She is staring off into the distance and thinking, “I hope Joseph will be kind to me.  I have seen some arranged marriages where the man and woman are unhappy.  I want to be happy.  I hope we can love each other.  It would be hard to go through life without love.”

The young girl looked around.  Her thoughts continued, “My life will soon change.  I will no longer be a child.  I will be responsible for our household.  I hope he likes my cooking.  I hope … I hope … I hope …”

Although quite young by today’s standards, this young girl — Mary —was prepared to take a step that would change her life.  She knew she would walk out the door of her father’s house and step into Joseph’s house.  Mary’s life was about to change and she was filled with hope.


Hope is described as a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.  Hope is based on a feeling of trust that there will be a positive outcome.

Professor of Psychology, Barbara Fredriskson, wrote the article Why Choose Hope?  The article states fear and hope are opposites.   Fear closes us down and our actions become rigid and predictable.   Hope literally opens us up, removes the blinders of fear and despair, and allows us to see the big picture.

According to Professor Fredriskson, with hope we become creative, unleashing our dreams for the future.   This is because deep within the core of hope is the belief that things can change.   No matter how awful or uncertain they are at the moment, things can turn out for the better.


This young girl was making plans and had hope for her future, but Mary’s life was about to change in a way she had never expected.

Jeremiah’s letter gave hope to the exiles and Mary would soon find out that God had a plan for her.  A plan that would, for a period of time, cause her to flee into a foreign country.

For I know the plans I have for you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11



Joseph and Mary’s lives were about to change.  How could they find peace when so much was going to be asked of them?


Friday, November 19, 2021


Did you think, “Oh great.  Another blog on being thankful.  What will she mention?  Honestly, I get tired of all the ‘go around the table and say what you are thankful for.’  Every year it is the same.”

I often feel that way.  Sitting there I think, "Should I be serious or be a bit silly?"  Exactly how many times can you say family, friends, food, and on and on, and, of course, my faith.  All the time thinking the gravy is going to be cold and that bit of ham I snitched has long since left my tummy.  Can I just be thankful and fill my plate?

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I am thankful for so many things and am blessed way beyond what I deserve, but the thank-you-list can become just words.  Words we have to say because everyone expects us to say something.  After all, IT IS THANKSGIVING!

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While working on the Urbana Yoke Parish Facebook page, I found the video:  WHAT TO BE THANKFUL FOR.  It will be posted on that page Wednesday, November 24, but you have the privilege of watching it now.  Please use this link and watch before you finish reading:

This year I am thankful for MY LIFE!

I am a child of God!  He is the very air in my lungs and has filled my days with blessings which can only come from a God who loves me.  I have felt a life form inside my body and can imagine how God felt as I took my first breath.  As he heard my first cry.  And as I grieved him with my sin. 

I am a child of God!  He is the very air in my lungs and has filled my days with blessings which can only come from a God who loves me; because I do not deserve even one of the things I am so blessed to receive.

This year I am thankful that my life includes:

  • Forgiveness, Mercy, Grace, and Love – I am a sinner. 
  • Salvation – Through God’s power and the blood of Christ, salvation delivers me from eternal death into eternal life.
  • Peace – The calm which can only come through God’s quiet love surrounding me.

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This year, be thankful for YOUR LIFE.  You are a child of God!  He is the very air in your lungs and has filled your days with blessings because he loves you. 


Friday, November 12, 2021


I AM OLDER!  As I reviewed my 75 years, I wondered what had filled all that time.  As a child, it was play, school, and trying to stay on the good side of my parents.  As a young adult, it was marriage, children, and trying not to get stopped for speeding.  As a middle-age-person, it was marriage, children, grandchildren, and trying not to get stopped for speeding.  As an old lady, it is marriage, children, grandchildren, and … drum roll … yup, trying not to get stopped for speeding.  Add to each age the normal life things:  church, friends, travel, reading, jigsaw puzzles, and eating.  That still leaves a lot of time unaccounted for. 

Then it hit me.  WORK!  Or as Maynard would say:  W O R K !  

Of course, work!  How could I miss that? 

My first job was doing whatever my parents said.  My first paying job was as a carhop, at the local Tastee Freeze, where I made 35 cents an hour plus tips.  No, I did not wear roller skates, but I did meet this really neat guy, Bill, who became my better half.  I also worked at Donnelly’s, Eckrich, for an accountant, Sears, as a cashier for auctions, and as the administrative assistant for Bill.  Yes, work, it seems, has taken up a lot of my 75 years.  And I remember -----

Working at Eckrich was fun.  I worked with the invoices and used a comptometer.  Then the drivers went on strike.  My dad, a Teamster, was upset that I would cross a picket line.  The local guys were okay and wanted their customers taken care of, so they waved me through.  Then they called and told me to stay home.  Guess some big city guys were going to walk the line for a couple days and they would not like sweet Mary being there.  I stayed home!

When I worked for an accountant, we kept books for a number of Catholic Churches in Terre Haute.  You know how sometimes you say what you are thinking without realizing it?  That happened when my thoughts turned into words and my boss heard, “He is way too good looking to be a priest.”  Hey, don’t judge.  I was in my twenties and that guy was a looker.  The next time that priest came in, he said, “So I shouldn’t be a priest?”  Then he grinned and left with my boss to play golf.  From then on, I did not make comments about any good looking guys.  Or at least, not to my boss.

Do you remember Going My Way.  Now that was a classic and Barry Fitzgerald played the traditional, forgetful, Irish priest.  I worked with a priest who could have stepped right out of that part.  Sweet.  Old.  Mischievous eyes.  But he could not remember to pay the churches payroll taxes!  I would call to remind him the taxes would be due in a few days and I needed him to sign some papers.  Sometimes I would have to call more than once.  He would finally walk through the office door, with a sheepish grin, and say, “I forgot again didn’t I?”  The flip side is he could tell you the name of every person in a five block area of his church.  I swear even the stray dogs loved him.  He might have been forgetful, but I can picture him looking at his congregation with such love.

Do you know what work smells like?  I was working the return counter, at Sears, and a man was returning a drill.  He stepped up to the counter and said, “I am sorry I am so dirty and smelly.”  I looked him in the eyes and said, “Sir you look and smell like a person who has put in a really hard day at work.”  He relaxed.        Side note:  Never say to someone that all they do is sit at a desk.  Believe me, working at a desk is work!

Memories about working auctions could fill a book.  I met people who were absolutely UNREASONABLE!  I also met people who were funny, honest, and a pleasure to know.  I have seen items sell for thousands and once about had a heart attack when I was boxing up a closet, reached in a stack of material, and pulled out a fox (head still on) stole.    I met people who tried, unsuccessfully, to blend in.  It was a gun auction.  Nothing but guns and a lot of them.  That meant that somewhere in that sea of men (not being sexist, but it was 99.9% men) were federal agents.  But where?  One look around and they were so obvious.  Their bodies were straight and tense, unlike the other men there who were discussing the pros and cons of guns and ammunition.  Their eyes were constantly sweeping the room, unlike the bidders who starred at the gun/guns they wanted so as not to miss them when they were held up.  They just didn’t fit in.  Yes, they had on jeans (new), boots (way too new), and a flannel shirt, but you could tell they were not comfortable in that attire.  I will give them credit for not wearing sun glasses.  It was fun to watch them.  Every so often they would change positions, but only after nodding to their cohort.  Yup auctions were always fun – okay, not always.  When I quit working auctions, I told people, “I am tired of being too hot, too cold, and using the port-a-pot.”

Working for my husband?  I am not telling those stories!

Work stories could go on and on.  I will bore you no longer, but as I looked back I realized how blessed I was to work.  Blessed to have the ability to make numbers balance.  Blessed to meet people and hear their stories.  Blessed to help provide for our family. 


Friday, November 05, 2021


I was organizing some paperwork and decided to put it in a binder.  Easy job to print off what I needed, punch holes, open binder, and insert.  It was going so good.  Then I decided having a pen available would be handy.  Sadly, the binder did not have slots for pens, but, being resourceful, I improvised.  I would punch two holes in a zip-lock storage bag.  I have done this before and it has always worked like a charm. 

Zip-lock bag positioned in the three hole paper punch and PUSH.  Ahhhhh….. The one hole punched perfectly.  The other hole stuck.  There was plastic stuck around the puncher thing (technical term number one).  I pulled a small bit of plastic out.  I pushed down and that puncher thing was still stuck.  I saw the problem.  The thing (technical term number two) that pushed on the puncher thing was not touching the part (technical term number three) I was pushing down.  Is that perfectly clear or did I use too many technical terms?  Not to be intimidated by a paper punch, I stuck a penny in there to make up the difference.  Too thin.  Two pennies?  Still too thin.  Two pennies and a dime – taped together because they kept sliding – drat.  Still not working.  That puncher thing was really stuck.  BUT .. I could take it apart.  And, of course, it was the one on the end, not the one in the middle that would also have to come out.  I looked it over.  Had paper been holding it in a stuck position, I would have put it over a flame and burned the paper away.  Being plastic, fire was not the answer.

I pulled on the stuck plastic.  It stretched.  I pushed.  ---- When all else fails – I used a hammer! 

The paper punch is reassembled and in in its proper place. 

Now you may be wondering why I am telling you this.  One reason is that it really would have made a good YouTube video.  Especially the hammer part.  Another reason is that God’s Word is like a hammer.


The hammer, lying around in the drawer, is of no value.  The hammer has to be picked up and used.  The Word of God, the Bible, is of no value sitting on a shelf.  The Bible has to be opened and used.

The ball pein hammer can fix a puncher thing, but in the hands of a master carpenter, that hammer can turn iron into a work of art.  The Bible can give insight, but, in the hands of a believer, the Bible can cause a heart to forgive.

The claw hammer can be used to remove nails.  The Bible can be used to remove resentment, hate, and indifference.

The sledge hammer has power and strength.  SO DOES THE BIBLE!!!  The Bible has truth and in the truth we find our power and strength.

Finally, the soft faced hammer is used when materials need a gentle touch.  The Bible does that too.  Some words are like a whisper to your soul or a gentle touch to your cheek.

Soooooo – when you need to fix a paper punch and all else fails, use a hammer, BUT do not wait until all else fails to use the Bible.

Friday, October 29, 2021


So many people are concerned about the direction the USA and the world are taking, but haven’t we seen this before?  Hasn’t every generation thought the next would destroy the world?  Why does this time feel different?  Up until now, things changed, but the foundations upon which this country was founded stayed the same.  Our country had a solid foundation built on freedom, faith, family, and hard work.  Now we are seeing that foundation eroding and that frightens us.  We feel helpless to stop it.  We wonder what has happened. 

“Our faith is not interested in saving your soul.  We’re here to help you unfold the awesome soul you already have.” Andrea Lerner.

Those in the pulpit no longer believe.

A drag queen, Ms. Penny Cost, has been approved as a candidate for the ministry.

You can go online and become an ordained minister.

Bystanders watched a rape and did nothing.


Our country had a solid foundation built on freedom, faith, family, and hard work.  Now we are seeing that foundation eroding and that frightens us.  We feel helpless to stop it.  We wonder what has happened. 

Pastor Larry spoke on John 6:60-71 and I think those passages answer the question.  He explained that the people watched as Jesus performed miracles and healings.  They loved being part of the feeding of the 5,000.  They were reassured when Jesus said, “Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life.  I am the bread of life.” 

They were confused when Jesus continued, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.  Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.”  (John 6:53-54)

They followed Jesus, but when they became confused things changed. 

From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.  (John 6:66) 

As I typed the chapter and verse I realized this verse answers every problem the world is having. 

We have turned back and no longer follow Him!

PS – I did NOT pick the chapter and verse because of the number.  The number was coincidental – or was it?

Friday, October 22, 2021



I have not written a hodge podge blog for a bit, so here goes.   

Bill is my proof reader.  He finds my spelling errors, but sometimes they are a lesson more than an error.  He pointed out that I had written haven instead of heaven.

I looked up haven:

  • Harbor, port
  • A place of safety, refuge
  • A place offering favorable opportunities or conditions A safe and peaceful place
  • Sanctuary

Don’t know about you, but haven sounds an awful lot like heaven.   


A TV minister made the statement, “God doesn’t have grandchildren.  He only has children.”

I thought about that.  Why not grandchildren?  Oh… I can believe.  I can have a very strong belief.  I am a child of God, but my faith does not insure my children or grandchildren will have eternal life.  I pray they will hear the scriptures and believe.


I have a coloring app on my iPad and enjoy it because it is not a color by number.  I pick the colors.  

I had an art teacher criticize me because I made the leaves on a tree purple.  She informed me, “Trees do not have purple leaves.”  I told her, “Mine do.”  

Warning:  Disagreeing with an art teacher has a direct impact on the grade placed on the report card.

There are numerous pictures of animals and that causes me a problem.  Every so often, a snake picture will appear.  I HATE SNAKES!  Every time I saw one of those pictures, I cringed.  Then I had a brain storm.  I would completely cover them with black.  And I did.

This caused another problem.  When I see that black square, I know there is a snake under it.  It is still there.  Covering up those snakes is like trying to hide a sin from God.  Hide the sin in a closet.  God knows it is there.  Hide the sin under a whole lot of doing good.  God knows it is there.  Leave sin at home when going to church.  God knows it is there.  Guess I cannot hide those snakes and I cannot hide my sins from God.

Sure wish Noah had left those snakes behind!


It is a full moon.  Question: Isn’t it always a full moon?  Just because we cannot see the entire moon, doesn’t mean all the moon isn’t there.  This leads to the fact that we cannot see the love of God, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there.  The moon- all of it - is always there.  God’s love - all of it - is always there.


How do we reply when God wants us to do something?  YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT? 

Words we use to argue with God:

  • Nevertheless … a sure sign we are going to argue with God
  • If … the beginning of a negotiation (And we really think we can negotiate with God.)
  • But … Going to disagree
  • Cannot … an excuse is on the way
  • Except for … not totally against God’s request if He would remove that one little section
  • When ... God is about to hear that now is not a good time

The amazing thing is that we honestly believe we will win an argument with God.  Moses tried everything to get out of doing as God asked.  “I have never been eloquent,” he said.  Now I might have zapped him, but a very patient God replied, “Aaron will serve as a mouth for you, and you will serve as God to him.” 

Thinking about Moses, did all of the Israelites go with Moses or did some stay behind?  It says a mixed crowd also went up with them.  Does this mean some non-Israelites skipped town with them?


One final thought and this is for all of you who voice text.  A friend called and was laughing at herself.  She had sent a voice text.  You know:  Hi comma I am just checking on you period  I will pray for you period

Then she began a prayer:  Dear God comma

HAVE A GREAT comma SUPER comma FANTASTIC WEEK exclamation mark


Friday, October 15, 2021


Everywhere I look there are signs.  Stop signs.  Go signs.  For sale signs.  Opening soon.  We are hiring.  Closed.  There are signs telling me to yield, to wait here, and do not enter.  I see signs for detours, where to turn, where to sit, and where to wait.  I see speed limit signs, which I consider suggestions and not to be taken literally.


I see someone look me in the eyes, smile, and nod there head.  A sign that I am not invisible.

I see a parent kneel and softly speak to their child.  A sign of love.

I hear the truth spoken from the pulpit.  A sign that God’s Word has never changed.

I hear laughter.  A sign that joy is alive.

I feel the autumn breeze.  A sign that one season is ending and another is beginning.

I feel the warmth of covers.  A sign I am blessed with the luxury of a safe place to sleep.

I taste the crisp apple.  A sign of a successful harvest.

I taste the pizza.  A sign of the availability of food.

I smell the aroma of a fresh pot of coffee.  A sign that my day will begin – after the coffee.

I smell the cleanliness of a new born.  A sign of hope for man’s future.


Yes, there are signs everywhere.  The secret is seeing them. 

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth  --  Signs!

And God said, “Let there be light .. darkness and day  --  Signs!

And God said, “Let there be an expanse between the waters … called the expanse “sky”  --  Signs!

And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place … called “land”  --  Signs!

Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation … plants, trees  --  Signs!

And God said, “Let there be lights … stars, moon and sun  --  Signs!

And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures and let birds fly  --  Signs!

And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures  --  Signs!

And God created man in his own image  --  Signs!


Yes, there are signs everywhere.  The secret is seeing them.

What about you?  Do you see them?

Friday, October 08, 2021


I had never heard of Fat Bear Week. Please highlight and open the following link.  It is fun to see the bears and to read about Fat Bear Week.

If the link does not work, go to and hit the link to Get To Know Your Fat Bear Contenders.  If neither way works, google Fat Bear Week and look for

Have you watched the video?  Here is what I would like to propose.  I think we should have a FAT SPIRIT WEEK!  I think we should all become contenders as we prepare for winter (aka life).


Breakfast Recipes To Fatten Up Your Spirit

SUNDAY:  As you eat your breakfast, drink a cup of LOVE.  This love will energize your Spirit and give you the ability to love others as Christ loves you.

MONDAY:  To begin your week on a high note, take two slices of JOY and spread a cup of PEACE between them.  Your Spirit will shout with joy and bless all you meet.  That cup of peace will give your Spirit the ability to be calm in a world of chaos.

TUESDAY:  This morning you are to swallow a pill that will change your Spiritual life.  This pill is filled with PATIENCE and will allow your Spirit to wait.  Waiting allows your Spirit to be ready and available.

WEDNESDAY:  As strange as this sounds, this morning you are to eat a salad for breakfast.  By the middle of the week, our resolve can waiver and something with no purpose can seem inviting.  You do not want to fall behind and have a skinny Spirit so here is how you will prepare a salad to fatten your Spirit.  Using a very large bowl, start with a generous helping of love.  Yes, I know.  Love was Sunday, but we do not want to limit any of our Spiritual qualities to only one day … do we?  Now add joy, peace, and patience to the love.  Pour a dressing of GENTLENESS over the salad.  Enjoy and fatten your Spirit with each bite.  How much larger your Spirit is now that it has gentleness.

THURSDAY:  You are doing great.  I can see your Spirit is getting a bit chubby, but there is something you need to add or your Spirit will not continue to fatten up.  Again, a simple pill.  This pill will fill your Spirit with SELF-CONTROL.  This gives your Spirit the strength it needs to control YOU.  There are times when you will want to rebel.  Without your Spirit having this super power, you might be like Darth Vader.  You could find yourself moving to the Dark Side.  Take this pill quickly!

FRIDAY:  You are almost to the end of Fat Spirit Week and I can see a difference.  You are standing taller.  You also need to go shopping.  Your Spirit is a size or two larger.  This morning you are not to eat anything special.  Whatever you would like.  Pancakes.  Omelet.  Just have a cup of coffee.  But … do you see that really delicious muffin sitting there?  It is not for you.  You are to give the muffin away.  Your Spirit must have the wonderful qualities of KINDNESS and GOODNESS.  Giving away the muffin will allow your Spirit to teach you the wonder of helping others.

SATURDAY:  Can you make it through the final day?  Only one more breakfast to complete.  This breakfast could be the one that pushes your Spirit to the point of filling every teeny, tiny cell your body has.  Ready?  This morning you are to find a really big plate.  Check all your cabinets to make sure it is the largest!  Grab a fork.  Dig in and fill your Spirit with FAITHFULNESS!  This will cause your Spirit to guide you so you are steadfast and stay true to promises you make.  Your Spirit will allow you to see the truth and give you the power to be in communion and good standing with other believers.  And God will see that you are faithful to Him.

Your Fat Spirit Week is now over.  Hopefully, you have enjoyed my mind going in a – a unique way.  My prayer is that your Spirit has grown.

But the fruit of the Spirit is

love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness

and self-control.

Galatians 5:22-23