Friday, April 28, 2023


I think I have mentioned that I am part of a monthly discussion group.  After this month’s meeting, I told the ladies, “I think this will end up as a blog.”  They replied, “We want credit.”  Contributing to the discussion were Louise, Maribeth, Patty, Rita and Sarah. 

The discussion began with a simple question:  What stops us or limits us from achieving our goals?  I am going to try and condense a three hour, on topic discussion.  Hey, we are women.  Would you honestly expect a short discussion? 

NEGATIVE COMMENTS:  Yes, an obvious place to begin.  A negative comment can stop us in our tracks.  We instantly begin to doubt our ability, our chance of reaching our goal, or if we have the right to achieve them.  A negative comment is very loud even if whispered in our ear.  You cannot do that.  You will never succeed.  You are not smart enough.  That has already been done.  You are not worth investing my time or money in.

But, can a negative comment have a positive affect?  Have you ever dug your heals in when someone told you, “You can’t do that.  You will fail.”  Has your reply ever been, “I will show them!”  Sometimes a negative comment can be the exact motivation we need. 

POSITIVE COMMENTS:  Positive comments are priceless!  How encouraging to hear the words, “I am so proud of you.  You are working so hard to achieve your goal.”  Four words can change a person’s outlook:  I believe in you.

But, can a positive comment have a negative affect?  Encouragement must be honest.  There are many goals we will never reach, not because we do not want to, but because we do not have the ability.  Someone may constantly say, “You can do this.  Don’t let anything stand in your way.”  Misdirected encouragement may cause a person to chase the wrong goal.

You thought this was going to be a fluff piece didn’t you?  We are a discussion group and, with varied backgrounds, our discussions come from six points of view.  Moving on ….

RESPONSIBILITIES / PRIORITIES:  Our goals may begin to take shape when we are very young, but further education, marriage, having children, and career moves can place our goals on hold or they are replaced with new goals.  Health can deteriorate.  Finances are diverted or not there at all.  Life happens and we have responsibilities and must set priorities.

OLD VALUES / OLD PREJUDICES:  Sadly, old values and old prejudices continue to place limitations on way too many people.  AGE:  We can be too young to be taken seriously because we lack experience or too old and considered obsolete.  Age should no longer be a barrier.  Young minds are minds which have not been placed in a box and can lead us into the future.  Old minds contain wisdom and knowledge that still has value and worth.  Combining ages, instead of separating them, allows growth where goals can receive direction and succeed because of innovation.  SEX:  The glass ceiling has not been broken.  Women are still discriminated against in business and further education.  Men may be promoted because they are not considered the care-giver to their children.  This means women are often held back because they will need time to “be there” when children are ill or have school functions.  Men may be given better educational opportunities so women can fill “traditional roles.”  SKIN COLOR/NATIONALITY:  In 2023, this should not even be an issue and should not be used to limit the goals people want to achieve.  Likewise, these should not be used to gain an advantage over others.  I fear, until the political agenda changes, the use of skin color or nationality will continue to cause division in all areas of education and employment.  This division impacts life and the ability to reach goals.

LISTENING:  The final comment is about listening.  Learn to listen to the right voices.  Listen to the voices that are truthful about your ability to reach your goals.  Find a person to hold you accountable and then listen to their advice.  Listen with an open mind and be willing to adjust your goals.  Mainly, listen to your inner voice:  The Holy Spirit.

As believers, the Holy Spirit is a permanent part of our lives and will guide us in the way we should go.  Listen closely to that voice!!

THE FINAL QUESTION:  What do you allow to stop you from reaching your goals?

Friday, April 21, 2023


 Our church had a Blessing Of The Fields last Saturday.  There were only a few people there.  Even with the enticement of donuts and coffee, the farmers were in the fields.  Field work is a priority.  As our pastor said, “Where two or more are gathered…”  There were more than two and the program started.

 Earlier in the week, I thought, “I bet they will only say good things about the farmers.”  One thought leads to another and I decided I would be prepared to tell the truth.   Sure enough, only good words were muttered.  A video, So God Made Farmers, was shown and a poem was read. 

 I could stand it no longer.  Before they could say a prayer of blessing, I stood up and said, “I have a few comments.”  Oh the look on their faces was priceless!  And I began:


I hate to tell you, but they are NOT perfect.

First, I question their basic education.  THEY CANNOT TELL TIME!  Cell phones have increased the problems associated with this lack of education.  How often do you hear a farmer say, “I will be in for supper in 45 minutes?”    Or, “I will be done with this field in ten minutes, could you come help move equipment?”    And the always accurate, “I am only working until 11:00 PM.  I need sleep.”

These statements actually mean:

  • ·       I have no idea when I will be there for supper.
  • ·     Please come to the field and help us move, but don’t hurry.  Auto Steer has a bit of trouble with point rows and planting corners.
  • ·       You don’t need to wait up for me.  Finishing this field might mean 11:00 or 12:00 or 1:00 AM.

 Second, farmers also lack knowledge in giving directions and they cannot count. 

  • ·      “Could you bring the pick up to the Smith Farm?”  Where?  “You know on 500, it is 500 N, just past the tree where the hawk was the other day.”
  • ·    Farmers using their hands to give directions takes on a whole new level of confusion.  Exactly what does a circle mean when you are trying to watch and back up a piece of equipment?  Is it their left or mine?  And what does an eye roll and a look at heaven mean?
  • ·    “Hey, we could really use some help.  (This part is true.)  Could you pick us up?  Then take us to Chamberlains and then take Jeff back to Rosen’s?”  Now what they failed to tell me was that there were 4 guys and I made 5 – 5 for my 4-seater vehicle.  Everyone knows Christian.  (For those that do not know him.  Christian is almost six feet tall.) Use your imagination.  Christian went to the back of my Acadia, opened the hatch, folded himself inside, and shut the hatch. 

Third, farmers do not keep essential information available for future use.  I did a presentation to the church women and when I asked the women, “What do you hate the most?”  They literally shouted the same answer.  GOING FOR PARTS!  That is where the information for future use comes in.  (Where is the parts manual?  Are you sure this is all the information I need?  Can I take the part with me, which is a silly question because they will be removing the part while you are gone.)  Talk about a room of women getting very animated and each story topping the last.  Every farm mother, sister, wife, or daughter swears they cringe when they hear the word PARTS. 

My worst parts story:  “Can you go get a part?”  Of course.  (You need to know this meant getting two children into the car, along with drinks, snacks, and a toy or two.  Way before cell phones and devices. And no part store is ever close.  Or at least one that has that particular part. ) Do I have all the information?  “Yes.”  Promise?  Remember last time.  “I promise.  It is all written down.”  And I believed him!  I handed the paper to the nice man behind the counter and assured him that slip of paper had every bit of information he would need.  The nice man looked at the paper and, with an absolutely straight face, asked me, “Is this for the right or left side?”

So, do not believe all the good things you hear about farmers.  They have faults – and

  • ·   They have a love of the soil and feel the responsibility to preserve a way of life for the next generation
  • ·      They have a work ethic that does not run on a schedule
  • ·     They know how to get dirty, they are not above picking up rocks, and they know how to gently dry off a new born calf
  • ·   They are called dumb farmers and some claim that anyone could be a farmers, but they drive equipment that has a value which includes lot of “0’s”
  • ·       They know how to say a cuss word when the hammer misses the nail and they know how to say a prayer of thanksgiving when the rain comes and the harvest season ends with bins full and everyone safe

 Then we prayed a blessing for safety and good crops.

Friday, April 14, 2023


There were three drivers.  The first driver seemed to have trouble deciding how to stay in their lane.  This driver would be over the white line, at the edge of the road, and then would be over the center line.  This continued a long time.

The second driver was driving into the sun and had a towel over the windshield on the passenger’s side.  It is said that a pencil will hide a motorcycle.  This towel would have hidden a semi, a car pulling from a side street, or a child. 

The third driver was in a hurry.  Sixth in a line of traffic, this driver decided to pass on a double yellow line.  Others had to allow the driver to pull back into the correct lane when a car approached.  The driver, apparently no wiser, passed the remaining vehicles.  Shortly, the driver was pulled over by a police officer.


Jesus told many parables and, more often than not, no one understood.  Sometimes Jesus explained a parable to the multitude and other times the explanation was only given to the disciples.  Allow me to explain the meaning of my attempt at writing a parable.

The first driver could not make a decision.  After reading about the miracles Jesus performed, they were moved and believed.  But, they also read articles claiming Jesus was just a prophet and not the Son of God.  That is how they lived their faith.  One day they believed and one day they did not. 

Did not the serpent speak to Eve and make her question what God told her?  The serpent said: “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”  Eve told God:  “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”  (Genesis 3: parts of 1 and 13)  The first driver is the believer who cannot make a true stand for their beliefs because they also listen to a voice other than God’s.

The second driver was only interested in what was best for them.  They did not want the sun in their eyes and did not worry that others could suffer because of their actions. 

Did not the priest pass on the other side of the road?  Did not the Levite do the same?  They left the injured man on the side of the road.  (From Luke 10:30-37)  The second driver is the believer who considers their needs a top priority.  They cannot see that their actions/lack of actions can cause others to suffer or die.

The third driver wanted to be someplace fast.  They wanted to bypass anything that would hold them up.

Do we need to suffer?  Does not suffering produce perseverance?  Does not perseverance produce character?  Does not character produce hope?  (Romans 5: parts of verses 3-4)  The third driver is the believer who builds their house (faith) on sand.  (Matthew 7:26-27)  Without withstanding suffering to learn perseverance, build character, and find hope, the believer’s faith will not stand.  The rain and wind (the police officer) will cause their faith to crash.

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I attempted writing a parable because the Sunday School class I teach will begin studying the Parables this coming Sunday.  When I passed out the information, I suggested (aka told them) that at some time, during our study, they would write a parable.  I might change my mind on that assignment.  This was harder than I thought.  Jesus wins the Parable Category hands down!

Friday, April 07, 2023


I do not like Good Friday.  I do not want to hear the crowd shout, “Crucify him.”   I do not want to picture Jesus being beaten.  I do not want to watch him carry the cross.  I do not want to hear the hammer strike the nails nor imagine the pain.  I do not want to see Jesus taken down from the cross and placed in a tomb.  

I do not like Good Friday.  Good Friday does not feel so good.  Good Friday hurts my heart.  

Friday is hard!  But Sunday… Sunday is coming and I like Sunday. 

It’s Friday, But Sundays Coming!