Friday, March 28, 2014


(based on Luke 15:11-32)

I do believe this is the most discussed, most preached, most one sided parable there is. Let’s get the given out of the way: Yes, this is a parable about us coming home to God. Coming home after we have taken his blessings, wasted them, hit rock bottom and hoping we will be forgiven.

My problem is I think the older brother is getting a bad reputation he does not deserve. I do not think he is mad about his brother coming home. I do not think he is even mad about the fattened calf. He might have been a bit upset about the ring, but who knows for sure.

Here is the visual. The older brother has been out working all day. He is hot, tired and sweaty. All he wants is a shower, clean clothes, supper and the remote control.

Confused the older brother asks a servant, "What is all the fuss about? Is my father okay? He isn't ill is he? Where is he? Is he in bed?"

The servant, really too busy to stop and talk, says quickly, "Your father is fine. Your brother is home." Then he adds, "We are having a party to celebrate. The fatted calf is almost done."

Now angry, the older brother yells, "Fatted calf? Did he give him a ring too?"

"Father! Father!" he yells as he runs into the house.

Smiling the father said, "Settle down, son. Your brother is home. I saw him …"

"You were watching for him?" the older brother asked in an indignant tone.

"Why yes," the father replied. "I saw him when he was still a long way off and ran to him, threw my arms around him and kissed him. We are now having a party to welcome him home."

The father said, "You have worked hard and everything I have is yours, but your brother is no longer lost. He is home and we have to celebrate."


“My son you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But…” You see, it is the little word "but" that causes the problem.

It could happen to you. You can be steady and loyal and still not get the fatted calf.

The older brother wanted a father who was so excited to see him he would run to meet him. He wanted a father who loved him enough to throw him a party. He wanted a father who showed love. Not one who said "but." My take is the older brother was upset because he wanted his brother’s father.

Are you more like the older brother than you want to admit?

"I always did the dishes when I was told and I kept my room clean, but he leaves everything a mess. Why doesn't he get in trouble?"

"Just because she stayed out past curfew doesn't mean I will. Why am I punished for her behavior?"

"But that piece of pie was mine. I told you I was going to eat it later. Why did you let him eat it?"

The problem is you expect your parents to be perfect. To be everything you need. To be fair. To love you. To protect you. Here is where a "but" comes in. BUT no parent is perfect. No parent is always fair. No parent can protect you at all times. No parent except one.

Do you know your Creator, your Heavenly Father, your God loves all of his children equally. He loves you unconditionally. He is watching and waiting for you to come home.

That is the Father you want!

And your Heavenly Father has gifts for you so exorbitant they will make a robe, sandals, ring and even a fatted calf seem like pocket change.

Friday, March 21, 2014


(based on Luke 8:22-25)

Jesus tells his disciples to go to the other side of the lake and then takes a nap. This makes me picture a large lake, because Jesus was going to have time to take a nap and a large boat, because it would hold thirteen. Plus, remember many of the disciples were fishermen. They were very familiar with boats and water. I picture it this way ---

"Jesus must really be tired if he is going to take a nap," Simon says. (Sorry couldn't resist.)

James added, "Let him sleep. He has been healing and teaching so he needs a break."

Thomas chimed in, "The lake is calm. Jesus' nap will be as soothing as being rocked in a cradle."

"I hope so. Remember I was a tax collector and my legs get a bit wobbly out here," Matthew said with a smile.

The disciples had failed to check the weather channel and a squall came down on the boat. The cradle nap Jesus was enjoying was soon to be interrupted. The disciples woke Jesus.

"Master, Master, we're going to drown!"

Jesus got up and told the wind and raging waters to settle down. All was calm.

"Where is your faith?" Jesus asked his disciples. I am sure Jesus shook his head, got a bottle of water out of the cooler and found a place to sit down.

In fear and amazement they asked one another, "Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him."

When I read this I want to say, "Really? You have listened to Jesus. You have seen him heal. You have eaten with him. Sat around when no one else was there. Prayed with him. Don't you get it?"


How did they not get it? Why were they surprised when the wind and water obeyed Jesus?

It could happen to you. Do you sometimes not get it? Do you sometimes not understand?

When you have questions and when you don't understand, think about the disciples. They spent time with Jesus while he was in human form. They ate with him and told jokes. They watched him talk to children. They watched him heal the crippled lady. And they still did not comprehend!

Do you ask why? Then feel guilty because you apparently don't have enough faith. If you had enough faith, you wouldn't be asking why. You would simply trust.

When you ask why, think about the disciples. They asked Jesus why all the time. Why aren't you taking out the Romans? Why are you talking to the Gentiles? Why aren't you going straight to Lazarus so you can heal him? Why aren't you making Mary get in the kitchen with Martha so she can help cook our supper? Why are you talking to the Samaritan woman?

Do you ever deny Jesus? Say you don't know this man?

When you deny Jesus, think about Peter. Jesus told Peter, "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church." Jesus asked Peter, "But what about you? Who do you say I am?" Peter answered, "You are the Christ." And yet Peter denied Jesus three times.

When you have questions and when you don't understand, think about the disciples.

When you ask why, think about the disciples.

When you deny Jesus, think about Peter.

The disciples did not understand, they asked why and Peter denied Jesus, but Jesus loved them.

Just like Jesus loves you.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


(based on Matthew 12:46-50)

Have you ever had a reunion with your house overflowing? The kids table is empty and the adults have finally moved into the living room where the chairs are softer. Some people are sitting on the floor. Some are standing because there is no place to sit. Then everyone's favorite uncle starts telling stories. All eyes turn to him and outside noise disappears as the voice pulls them into the story. Even those in other rooms become quiet so they can hear.

Now take your memory and place it in a home during Jesus' time and Jesus is the one speaking. The people are listening, when someone interrupts Jesus and tells him his mother and brothers were waiting outside. Seems they wanted to tell him something.

Now here is where my imagination takes over. I picture Mary outside waving her hand, trying to get Jesus attention. I am pretty sure she wanted to tell him it was time to eat and rest. Her little boy had a busy day, what with casting out demons and dealing with those Pharisees, and she was looking out for him. We all know how mothers can be.

Then it happened. Mary heard HER SON say, "Who is my mother? Who is my brother?" Pointing to his disciples, he continued, "Behold my mother and my brothers."

Now my imagination really kicks in because those words would upset any mother.

Mary did a quick spin and turned to her best friend. "Behold my mother and my brothers. Did you hear that? I gave birth to him. I fed him. I cleaned up after him. I am the one who was worried when he was missing because he felt the need to be about "His Father's Business." And I'm standing out here instead of being in a comfortable chair where I can hear and see my son and he makes a statement like that instead of saying, 'Hi mommy.' Well, I never!"


Take a step back Mary! How Mary reacted is not recorded but it could have been this way. Mary was 100% human and humans often take offense when none is intended.

It could happen to you. Especially when you have worked really hard and come home tired. Or have had a bad day. Or feel unloved.

Feelings are fragile. Tempers can flair. Pride moves front and center. Ears close. Minds are made up. The rest of the conversation goes without comprehension.

As a parent, your children often say things to hurt you. Even though they don't mean it, their words and actions cut you to the very core. Words or actions which leave you wondering if they have the smallest inkling of what you do for them. You want to shout, "Do you have clean clothes? Did you eat the supper I fixed? Do you really think I want to read Goodnight Moon every night before you go to sleep?"

You want to quietly ask, "Do you love me at all?"

At home, at work, at places where you volunteer and even at church, you can be offended by hearing half of a sentence as you pass the coffee machine. You take offense when your efforts are not recognized with an atta-boy. Your walls go up when someone you love, says one thing but you hear another.

Jesus was not offending his mother. Jesus was letting us all know we are his family. He wants us to sit in the easy chair or on the floor or even lean against the wall and spend time with him.

Mary was Jesus' mother and I am sure she understood. Do you understand or are you quick to be offended?

Thursday, March 06, 2014


(based on Luke 13:10-13)

My goodness. The black words in this section have caused a whole movie in my brain! The set is a synagogue and the time is a Sabbath morning. The extras are milling about and the director is giving last minute directions. Everyone is ready. This is Take 1.

Jesus is the center of attention. He is speaking. He is teaching. The men are crowded around and wearing their best robes. The ruler of the synagogue is watching every move Jesus makes. He is listening to every word. He is wondering what the people see in this guy.

On the outer edge of the men, where they belong, are the women. Do you see them leaning forward trying to hear? Holding onto each word. Standing on tippy toes trying to get a glimpse.

Then Jesus stops speaking. Out of all these people, Jesus sees the one woman no one else sees. She is there. Clear in the back. Not standing tall. Not seeing Jesus because she is so crippled. So bent over. For eighteen years she has only seen the floor.

All eyes are on Jesus but he has his eyes on a crippled woman. Can you hear Jesus calling her to him? In front of everybody! How do you think she felt walking through the people? Did they clear a way for her? Were they mumbling about how bent over she was? Did they wonder what was going to happen? Then Jesus -

Then Jesus set her free from her infirmity and put his hand on her. Can you hear the tenderness in his voice? Can you imagine the feel of his touch? Can you picture the woman slowly straightening her back? Standing tall! Standing upright! Can you see the tears on her cheeks as she looks into the eyes of Jesus? Can you hear her praise God?

Can you hear her telling everyone, "My life is different today than it was yesterday!"?


A crippled woman, unseen by those around her, but seen by Jesus. Healed and standing tall, this woman could now see where she was going.

It could happen to you. You can be healed.

Can you picture the joy of the crippled woman upon being healed? Think of your everyday activities and how hard it would be to do them bent over. But how often do you stay bent over because you refuse to forgive, hold a grudge or hang onto a sin?

What joy would come into your life if you didn’t have to carry those burdens?

How much better would your life be if you allowed Jesus to set your free?

Talk to Jesus about setting you free. Life is much better when you are standing straight and can see where you are going.

Your tomorrow can be greatly different than your today.

Go ask the crippled woman. She will gladly share her story.