When Bill and I travel, I am the
one that finds the road less traveled.
This time: IT WAS BILL!
We left Apache Junction, Arizona
on Arizona 88. This road started as a
good, blacktop, not so straight mountain road.
Even the blacktopped
road had sharp curves.
That changed and the last 22 miles were not good, not blacktop and definitely not straight.
Here is how it looked
on the iPad.
That white line was one lane. Dirt. Very sharp curves. That road was a blast!!!
That white line was one lane. Dirt. Very sharp curves. That road was a blast!!!
Notice how narrow the
road is at the curve?
Do you see the arrows
going both ways?
Was I scared? Heck no. Want to know why?
I trusted the driver!
So many times in life we are on
roads like this. We cannot see where we
are going. We do not know what is coming
at us. Sometimes we have to just sit and
wait before our journey can continue.
Our journey goes up and then down and then takes a sudden twist we did
not see coming. Sometimes there are
others on the same road and sometimes we are completely alone.
The road Bill and I were on was
shown on the map. We saw that it would
end. We were very careful.
The road of life is not on my
iPad! I cannot see where the curves,
twists, ups and downs are. So, yes,
often I am scared. But only scared for a
brief time. Then my answer changes to no. Why?
I trust my guide. I trust God.