Understanding is not always
easy. If the disciples were confused, as
they spent days, weeks, and years with Jesus, it is easy to see why we are
confused. But we have the whole
story. We have the Bible. Shouldn’t it just be clear? Easy to understand? Well, as clear as mud!
April 26, 2011
He is not here: he
has risen!
Luke 24:6
What wonderful but frightening
and confusing words: Not here! Where is he?
Where can I find him? Who took
him? What do I do without him? How can I anoint the body?
Fear: Where is he? What happens if we don’t find him?
Wonderful: He has risen!
Confusion: Huh?
What exactly does that mean?
Lord, help us deal with and understand this one sentence. You are not in the tomb. Just how do we keep track of you? We put you right where we can find you – In
the church, In our Bibles, In the small corner where we go to study or
read. We feel safe with you there. Right where we put you.
So we always know where you are.
How do you expect us to know where you are if you won’t stay where we
put you? Do you expect to go to work
with us? Walk down the street with
us? Invite you to go along to the
restaurant, the store? The next thing we
know – He is not here!
Lord you are not in the tomb and you refuse to stay in the tombs we put
you in! Lord help us roll away our
He is risen!! OH, MY OUR LORD
PS But we still get
confused. Keep sending those light bulb
July 5, 2011
Joshua 7:20,
25b, John 8:7, 9, Matthew 7:7, Acts 14:27
Revelation 3:20
Scriptures on stones
and doors
At the end of a Sunday School
class, I made a statement: Today we
don’t throw stones, we just shut doors.
Dear Wonderful Lord, It is hard for us to understand much in the Old
Testament. One man sinned and the whole
family stoned. Why the whole
family? Why death? Why did the whole community have to
participate? But we are New Testament
people and see sin through the CROSS. We
like the time Jesus said to throw the stone if you are free of sin. We know no stones will be thrown because we
have ALL SINNED!! We no longer throw
stones or punish a whole family – or do we?
As the discussion progressed, we realized we don’t throw stones, we just
shut doors.
That person
- has tattoos everywhere – shut the door
- they want praise hymns – shut the door
- she sinned – shut the door
- their father sinned so the family is
not our kind – shut the door firmly
- look at their clothes – shut the door
Forgive us Lord, this list could go on and on. We feel smug because we don’t throw stones
but we feel fine shutting the door.
Forgive us Lord! Move through
us. Move through this church. Be the force that gives us courage to open
our doors.
Lord, when we see someone who
- sins – let us open the door of
- dressing differently or covered with
tattoos – let us open the door and invite them in
- is suffering because of the actions of
another – let us open the door of understanding and compassion
Lord, since our hands do not hold stones, let our hands open
doors. When a seeker comes to our
church, I pray we open the door BEFORE they even have a chance to knock. AMEN and AMEN.
Matthew 18:21-22 and
Luke 23:34
Scriptures on forgiveness
Sometimes prayers are
peaceful. Comforting. Sometimes they are just pleas for
understanding. The call for UNITY has me
confused. (Disclaimer: Being a neighbor to, working beside at a
charity function, etc. with those of other faiths or those with no faith, I
have no problem with. It is the call to
worship with and in unity with those of other faiths and claiming the god of
other religions is equal to or the same God I worship is where I have a
problem. Unity, during this prayer,
meant worshiping with or allowing access of our church to allow other faiths to
worship in.) This prayer is long. I have taken it from my journal to show how
we can be honest with God. How I
struggled with this in 2011 and, honestly, how I struggle with this today.
Dear God, today my heart is heavy with confusion and lack of
understanding. Please help me, others in
this church and in the USA that are having the same problem. This country is beginning to remember the 10
year anniversary of 9-11.
This country shed tears. I
cannot imagine how your heart must have felt.
Lord, I read about forgiveness and am told to be understanding, to be in
unity with other faiths. That is my
We have studied the Old Testament and read time and again where your
people turned away from you, suffered, called on you and you saved them. Is that where we are? The suffering part? Lord, many people are calling out to
you. Many people want you back into the
fiber of our country. We are
trying. Are we just not enough? Do more need to cry out? How do we do this? Is it because we are not Jewish?
Lord, I am confused. I am scared
and I am mad. Some at you because you
rescued people, but do not seem to be doing that for us. You lifted up leaders. Why aren’t you doing that now? Have we – the USA and the church – moved so
far away from you that you cannot hear us?
Lord, so many are reaching for you, but it seems like you have washed
your hands of us. I know you
haven’t. You created us and you love
us. Lord, we are crying out – rescue
us. Lord, rescue us.
Told you I was confused and scared and mad. Lord, give me – us – understanding on the
unity part. I hear them but I do not
understand. I thought the Bible said to
stay away from idols and false leaders, but we are to work with, in unity, a
group that wants to kill us? That has
killed us! How can the church preach
“One Way, Through Jesus” and then say, be unified with those that believe
differently. Why are we sending people
around the world to spread the Gospel – to be fishers of men – when the church
turns around and says to work in unity?
Does that save them or condemn them?
Lord, I need help! Give me some
hope. Give me some understanding.
I thought writing this might put my heart at ease but I am even more
confused than ever.
Where do I find the true answer?
I can find scripture to support and condemn. Show me the truth.
I could go to different people but, again, could find people with words
to support or condemn every side of the issue.
My great God, in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, I am calling out
for understanding. I am calling out –
calling out to you. God, save your
children. Save your church. AMEN
October 18, 2011
Scriptures on
Genesis 8:22 and
Deuteronomy 16:15
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the
workers are few. Ask the Lord of the
harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest fields.”
Matthew 9:37
Harvest – When I hear that word I
see fields waiting – wheat, beans, corn – waiting to give back what was planted
and tended and given a chance to grow.
Thank you that there will always be a seed time and a harvest time.
Lord, your farmers are in the
fields. Protect them. Let their minds stay on task and be
safe. Prosper them. Let their yields and prices be strong. Give them strength. Let their bodies be strong during this
harvest so they can work the long hours and then allow their bodies and minds
rest when the opportunity arrives. Give
them perseverance. Farmers are true
stewards of your earth! Let them have
the vision and wisdom to move from planting to tending to waiting to harvest to
waiting to planting. Yes, they need
Thank you for all involved in
agriculture! Send a special blessing
that they will know their efforts, their work, their calling is directed by
But our church is to have a
different type of harvest. We are to
harvest souls!
Lord, instill in this
congregation the desire to be farmers for God.
Let us each plant the seed of your Word.
Let us each tend and nourish all believers. Let us have patience as we wait for the
spiritual growing that only your Holy Spirit can give. Let us all be prepared for the harvest as believers
unite in worship.
Lord, instill in this
congregation the desire to be farms for God, so that when the final harvest
begins, not on “kernel” will be lost in the field. AMEN and AMEN
From my Journal Part 4 will be
next week. What will I find as I look at
the final journal? You will have to
check in and see.
Have a week where you find peace,
joy and something to giggle about.
PS: I did not realize how long this had gotten
until I ran it off. Hope your eyes are
not tired.