Friday, September 24, 2021


Bill’s dad was a short wave radio operator.  He connected with people around the world.  We often talk about how he would absolutely have a blast with today’s technology.  I never met him, but I can picture him hitting that camera button and talking with someone in England or France or who knows where.  He would have loved the ability to “see” the person, not just hear them.  Who would have thought?

My dad was a trucker.  A big rig guy.  He would have enjoyed a CB Radio to talk to other drivers.  I can hear him saying, “Hey good buddy, your back tire is low.” And what a blessing a cell phone would have been.  I can see him pulling a phone out of his pocket and saying, “Call home.” We would have known he was safe and mom would have known what time to expect him home.  Who would have thought?

Although I do not remember him, my grandpa, on my mother’s side, was a farmer.  He raised a family on 40 acres.  They had a few chickens and probably some cows and pigs.  I am told he had a sense of humor and loved to tell stories on himself.  A favorite story was about the time he was building a fence.  It was only when he put the last board up that he realized there was a problem.  He had not put in a gate.  Oh, I wish I had known him.  But, what would he think of the farm equipment today?  I bet he would love auto-steer.  I bet it is easier than steering a horse to make a straight line.  I can picture him crawling into a combine, asking a gazillion questions, and then telling all about it while sitting on the liar’s bench.  Of course, he would not have stretched the story any.  Who would have thought?

From a small TV screen to a screen that can cover half of the living room wall.  From taking a picture and waiting to have the film developed to instant picture.  From writing with pen and paper to writing my blog on an iPad.  From putting a letter in the mail to sending off an email or text.  Who would have thought?

Times sure do change!  When I look back there are very few things that are the same as when I was young.  Except for ….

Except for God.  Isn’t that amazing?  God was the same for my father-in-law, my father, and my grandfather as he is for me.  The same!  He listened then.  He listens now.  He gave them grace and forgiveness and love.  He gives grace, forgiveness and love now.  He cared then.  He cares now. 

Know what?  I really, REALLY like that.  God is the same!  It gives me peace to know that He was there when my father-in-law connected with someone on the far side of the world.  It gives me comfort to know that He was there keeping my dad safe.  It gives me great joy to know He was there just waiting for grandpa to realize he had not put in a gate.

In a world that is constantly changing, I can find peace, comfort, and joy in a God who is the I AM – the Alpha and the Omega – the First and the Last. 

Friday, September 17, 2021


A little background:  Some friends were joining us, in Champaign, Illinois, for Half Century of Progress.  This is held every two years and showcases old farm equipment.  To old farmers, this is a time to remember.  To young farmers, it is a history lesson.  I went with Bill and saw two young men looking at a very old tractor.  They were really giving it the once over so I told them, “No matter how hard you look, there is no USB port for your phone.”  I thought it was funny.  The two young men stood and stared as we headed to the next old tractor.

Our friends arrived and the next two days, Bill and Eugene enjoyed all that old equipment and field demonstrations, while Brenda and I explored the area.  We spent time in two cemeteries.  We found a tea shop with 500 varieties of tea.  Brenda is the tea lover and, yet, I bought more tea than she did.  We shopped at Prairie Garden.  Funny how Brenda, again, found items she thought I would enjoy.  I did and those items are now part of my fall décor.  We found a popcorn store, but instead of being open, they were selling popcorn at the Illinois football game.  Guess they would rather sell to thousands instead of two gals from Indiana.  I was disappointed.  I sure do like cheddar/carmel popcorn. 

Enough background --- except for one more thing:  OUR TRUCK BROKE DOWN!  Thankfully, it limped into the hotel parking lot.  The truck experienced being towed and is now enjoying its stay in a service bay at the Serra Champaign GMC dealership.  Did I mention this happened August 27 – 21 days ago!  Why so long?  Parts – waiting on parts!


I cannot say enough about our local dealership, Dorais, or the dealership in Champaign.  They have worked together to find parts.  Well, there is just one small thing ….

Bill called to get an update on our truck and was told it would be ready Wednesday the 15th.  Bill smiled!  He misses his truck!  We drove three and a half hours to …. to find out they had discovered another problem and were --- YUP, waiting on a part.  Before we headed home, we went to the popcorn store.  Surely one thing can go right.  IT DID NOT OPEN FOR ANOTHER HALF HOUR!  Waiting for a half hour, with a three and a half hour drive ahead, was not an option. 


Attitude is everything.  The day might not have gone as we planned, but it was not a wasted day.  We saw fields being harvested.  We saw leaves changing color.  We arrived home safe and sound.  We spent the day together. 

Nope.  Not a wasted day.  BUT I sure wish that popcorn store had been open.

Friday, September 10, 2021


A number of years ago — the grandkids were young — we had a fantastic Sunday.  Hamburgers on the grill.  Bubbles.  Conversation.  Frisbee contest.  Adults talking and kids playing.  It was such a great day.

UNTIL ….  Until it was time for homemade ice cream.  Now, you would think, ice cream, with all the toppings, would be the hit of the day.  The piece de resistance!  The kids lined up with bowls in hand.  They had smiles.  They were eyeing the toppings.  Their minds were already making choices on chocolate or butterscotch or nuts or whipped topping or all of them.  They held out their bowl.  They added toppings, sat down, and took a bite.  It was ….

The look on their faces.  What could be wrong?  I know I put all the ingredients in.  It looked great when we dipped it out.  No one was eating it.  They all had the look of, “This is awful.” What could be wrong?

Salt?  Why does the ice cream taste like salt?  Those poor kids had all taken a very large bite and then tried to figure out what to do.  Swallowing didn’t seem to be an option.  Spitting it out ….. 

Luckily, we had made two batches of ice cream.  The second freezer of ice cream was very good. 

How did salt get in the ice cream? Well …. We discovered a very, very, very tiny hole in the seam around the bottom of the canister.  Salt had seeped in while it was being cranked.  Salt seeped in while it was waiting to be eaten. 

I fixed ice cream last weekend.  Guess what I heard from the grandkids.  Yup.  Even after all these years, they reminded me not to put salt in.  I always reply, “It was not me.  There was a hole in the canister.”


It is amazing how much salt did get into the ice cream.  It was such a tiny hole.  You had to know where to look to even see it.  That hole and salt are sorta like Satan and sin.

Satan can find even the smallest hole and use that hole to whisper, “Go ahead.  No one will know.”  Or, “It was okay the first time, once more won’t hurt.”  Or, “All your friends are doing it.  You want to be like your friends, don’t you?”

Then, the sin, just like the salt, changes everything. 

Take a good look at your life.  Your actions.  Is there a tiny, tiny, very tiny hole that sin can slip through?

If there is, get in gear and fix that hole!


Friday, September 03, 2021


SEPTEMBER?  It cannot be September!  Yesterday it was May 31st.  I will admit May was a long month.  I don’t know why.  It seemed to drag on and on, but June, July, and August have flown by.  And … September means it will be cooler and colorful and the air will be crisp. 

Yes, it is September!  I like the idea of cooler and who doesn’t like fall/autumn?  I cannot imagine living where the weather is always the same or where the leaves do not change color.  I enjoy watching the landscape change as crops are harvested.  I love the first snow and the grass turning green in the spring.  Each season is unique.  Each holds a certain expectation. 

I turned to the dictionary:

  • Winter – the colder half of the year, a period of inactivity or decay
  • Spring – a time or season of growth or development
  • Summer – the warmer half of the year, a period of maturing powers
  • Fall/Autumn – the season leaves fall from trees -- a period of maturity or incipient decline

I turned to the Bible and the obvious scripture:

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:  Ecclesiastes 3:1

Where am I going with this?  As often happens, I am not sure.  When I looked at Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, I tried to think about the rest of the book.  Nothing.  Nada.  Zip.  Like everyone, I know “A time for everything,” but this is not a book I read over and over.  Why would I want to read:  “Meaningless!  Meaningless!” says the Teacher.  “Utterly meaningless!  Everything is meaningless.”  (KJV uses “vanity” which can be described as empty or valueless)

I know this is written as a “how to make your way through life” and “wisdom for the big picture.”  The introduction says this is to warn us that life’s rewards are uncertain and ultimately unsatisfying.  But to say everything is meaningless / valueless…..


The author is not absolutely known, but tradition identifies him as Solomon.  Solomon was in a time of reflection and a time when he had stepped back from his faith.  The educated, those with degrees, and those who have studied all the commentaries on Ecclesiastes, will quickly tell me that I am over-simplifying Solomon’s state of mind and not getting the point.  That is probably true.  BUT …

The point I find is that, in the end, all that matters is how I use my time. 

Did I plant the seeds of faith in others and help them uproot evil?

Did I build others up and tear down walls?

Did I keep those things that gave value to my soul and throw away distractions?

Did I know when to speak up and when to be silent?

Did I love others and hate sin?

Did I know when to fight a battle and when to celebrate peace?

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:

When I look back, will I see my life as meaningless or will I look back and find I used my time wisely?