Friday, September 22, 2006



The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.
1 Timothy 1:5


Bill finally planted the garden and this year he added something different. No not some new plant – no new vegetable – no fancy flower. He added an electric fence.

You see, we have a dog and Gretchen has her own definition of fun. Bill puts plant in. Gretchen takes plant out. Oh, what fun Gretchen has! Last summer she helped in the garden by picking tomatoes. The only trouble was she thought it was a hoot to drop the tomatoes in the yard. Well, those red tomatoes did add color to the green grass. Or maybe she was trying to make a salad, because every once in awhile she would add a green pepper to her collection. Although she did try to help pick green beans, they must not have met the taste test. Hopefully, the electric fence will help Gretchen resist temptation.

Wouldn’t it be nice if God would put an electric fence around our temptations? A very visible fence that would shock us when we tried to cross it. Oh, God already thought of that – God gave us a conscience -- an internal electric fence.
Keep your conscience charged.


Do you have an electric fence around your temptations? How can you keep your conscience charged?

Please use this as a beginning of your prayer. Finish in your own words, words from you heart.


Dear Lord, The world seems to pull me first this way and then that way. There are so many temptations around me. All I have to do is reach out my hand to you for strength. Please help me learn to love you more than the world. Put your love around me in such a way that I can resist temptation. Help me stay away from ………………………………… Amen

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