Friday, January 16, 2009



Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord.


I had hoped to put a link to a painting so you could see it, but of all the paintings Susan Ring ( has posted, Going Home From Culver is not one of them. You are going to have to use your imagination. I would tell you to close your eyes, but then it would be hard to read, so keep those peepers open.

Picture yourself standing on a small country road. One with no center stripe and no white lines along the side to guide you. Then notice the grass growing to the edge of the road. Like a border. Now add trees. Trees that cover the road like a canopy. Can you picture this? Add a small bush with blue flowers to your right. And ahead of you -- that is what is so great about the spot where you are standing.

Ahead of you, the road is unending. The sun is shining because the tree canopy ends. It is as if you are going out of a dark tunnel and heading into a warm inviting light. Now, close your eyes for a minute and see if you can place yourself in this picture.

Could you feel it? When I look at this picture, it is as if I am looking at hope. At peace. At comfort. When I look at this picture, I know that Jesus will be sitting, just up the road a bit, waiting for me. I can picture him, relaxing, as if he had all the time in the world. Waiting just for me. Waiting, with a drink of water and a piece of bread. Waiting to take my hand and say, "I knew you would be coming down this road. May I walk with you? I have so much to share with you."


Have you ever been on a road like this? Where you felt an instant feeling of calm? Peace? As if, you were not alone. As if wonders waited, you if you just stayed on this particular road.

Please finish this prayer in your own words --


My Dear Jesus, I know you are waiting for me. Patiently waiting for me while I work through all of my questions. My doubts. My fears. Sometimes I do feel like I am in a tunnel. When I am in that place, let me always keep my eyes open so I can see the light. The peace. The hope. The comfort you offer. Jesus, right now I want to tell you about ........ Amen

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