Friday, June 12, 2009



For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.


I have discovered some things about television, during my weeks of confinement and I am thrilled that I can be up and about and no longer need to rely on TV for my main source of entertainment. I have discovered:

>No matter how many channels you have, sometimes there is absolutely nothing on worth watching.

>I still do not like I Love Lucy.

>I do not understand how there can be so many "infomercial" channels. Do people really watch them?

>Mash reruns are great no matter how many times you see them.

>I missed many Little House on the Prairie stories. Laura grew up and got married! When did that happen?

>Touched by an Angel is touching me all over again. I have that little box under the TV set to record every episode. If you have never watched this show, it is on the Hallmark channel.

Some of the shows I remember and sit there waiting for Monica to glow. To help someone see the truth. The truth that God loves them. Other shows I have forgotten. Watching those, I wonder if Andrew is going to escort one of God's children to heaven. And I love watching Tess as she gives Monica her assignments or as she encourages Andrew when he is beside the bed of a dying believer. This show, about three angels, brings some peace to a day filled with bad news and worse news.

Mainly this show gives hope. Touched by an Angel tells stories about people in big cities, in rural areas, with children, without children. Stories about child abuse, long held resentment and fear. Stories about lost dreams. Lost people. Lost faith. Stories about people living real lives. Stories about good people and very bad people.

And every time Tess, Monica or Andrew will glow with the love of God and say, "I am an angel sent by God and He wants you to know that He loves you."


Have you ever had an angel help you? Have you ever been an angel to another person? Have you ever told someone that God loves them? Has someone told you that you are loved by God?

Please use this as a beginning of your prayer. Finish in your own words, words from your heart.


For God so loved - What powerful words these are. They bring joy to my soul. They bring peace to my spirit. They bring hope to my days. They give comfort to my nights. Let me see the angels in my life. Maybe it is just the opening of a door when my hands are full. Or a smile when I am feeling down. Or someone at work saying, "May I help you with that?" Or hearing just the right song on the radio. And let me be an angel to others. Let me open doors. Let me smile. Let me help those around me. Let my words be a song to another's ears. Let them hear, "God loves you." Amen

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