"If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. What I say to you, I say to everyone: 'Watch!' "Mark 13:36 - 37
And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. Romans 13:11
Have you ever been to an auction? Picture this: A fairly large room, but not huge, with over three hundred people wandering about and talking. That, by itself, makes for a lot of noise, but add to that the cry of the auctioneer. Now add the ring men yelling, "Yup." "Yup." Make those 'yups' loud. About the decimal level of a three year old's outside voice. Do you have a picture in your mind?
Now I want you to add one more image. There, in the back row of chairs, picture a man sleeping. Yes, asleep! Asleep in the midst of all that noise and activity. So sound asleep we were afraid he would fall off the chair. So sound asleep we watched to see if he was breathing. So sound asleep he was missing everything that was going on around him.
Sorta like some people and life. They go through life oblivious to everything around them. They do not see the sunrise let alone the sunset. They do not see need. Or hunger. Or joy. Or peace.
They just go through life. As if, they are asleep. They are not watching and they may miss their chance for salvation. How sad.
Have you ever been so tired you could sleep while chaos was swirling around you? Have you ever felt so lost that you could not notice the sunrise? Sunset? Need? Hunger? Joy? Peace? Are you watching, so that when the hour comes, you are awake?
Please use this as a beginning of your prayer. Finish in your own words, words from your heart.
I am awake, Jesus. I am awake! Although physically I may get tired and need sleep, my soul is awake. Although my eyes may need to close, my spirit rejoices in your sunrises and sunsets. Although my hands and feet may need to be still, my heart prays for those in need and those that are hungry. Although my body may need to lie down, my faith holds tight to the joy and peace you provide. I am awake, Jesus. I am awake! Amen