Friday, October 09, 2009



(Upon receiving a letter) The people read it and were glad for its encouraging message.


Tuesday was fun. Our church used the computers at our local library for two Facebook classes. For any of you that are not on Facebook or do not know what Facebook is, I will try to explain.

Facebook is an internet social club. Think of it this way. Instead of sitting around a table at the local watering hole, be it a coffee shop or the Dairy Queen, you sit at your computer and talk to your friends. Facebook is not the place for long detailed discussions. Facebook is a place where you post: "My day is really yucky." "The kids are driving me crazy." "The laundry is done. For now." (A big deal at our daughter's home because they have four boys.) "I need prayers." "Band practice was hard, but I learned the new routine." "I just scored 10,600 on Farkle." (Farkle is a game.) Get the idea. Facebook is a place to let your friends know what you are doing. Should Facebook replace those gatherings at the coffee shop? NO!

When I joined Facebook, I did it because our daughter, granddaughter, a nephew and great-niece were on. It was a way this old gal could interact with the younger generation. I could see pictures of our grandchildren. I knew how our granddaughter was doing. I also acquired sympathy friends. Sympathy friends? Those are friends of our daughter Terri. They felt sorry for me because there were so few people my age (62) on Facebook. I now have friends from Junior High age to friends that I graduated High School with.

What am I learning? Unlike me, most people my age do not post anything once they establish their Facebook page. Why? I think they are just not comfortable with it.

Why do I do it? I like leaving notes for my family. I like being able to encourage our granddaughter and great niece. I enjoy being a part of the next generation and the next. I love to play Farkle. Because of Facebook, we know when someone is having a bad day and needs help or a pat on the back for not smoking. Because of Facebook, a young lady is coming to our Bible Study. Because of Facebook, we were able to give encouragement to a family while they were in Texas for the funeral of a parent. Because of Facebook, friends leave prayer requests.

I enjoy Facebook, but be warned - Facebook can take a lot of your time!

Do I think Jesus would use Facebook? Yes, I think He is!!!


How do you use the internet?

Please use this as a beginning of your prayer. Finish in your own words, words from your heart.


Dear BFF (Best Friend Forever), Jesus that is what you are. You are my Best Friend Forever!! Thank you that there are so many ways I can learn more about you and share my faith with others. The internet is an amazing technology. I pray that I will always use it wisely. Let the words that leave my computer be words of encouragement. Words of hope. Amen

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