The other evening I was sitting in the sanctuary and began to have fun. I started writing down random thoughts. Ready? I saw --
the piano, keyboard and organ just sitting there. Not being used. What in my life is not being used?
the pulpit in front of the altar. Actually, I don’t like it sitting there because it blocks the view and makes you walk around it to get to the altar. What in my life is blocking my way to God? What is blocking my view?
the high ceiling. I like that because it makes me look up and when I do that I see the stained glass window of Jesus praying Wow! Jesus prayed! Get with the plan, Mary! Prayer is a priority!
the exit sign. A sign to show how to escape. Jesus is my exit sign. He shows me the way to escape the grip of sin.
scriptures beautifully lettered. Scriptures are God’s true word.
I looked in another direction and I saw --
emergency lights that will come on when the power goes out. This one is easy. These are a reminder that the light of God means I am never in the dark.
speakers placed around the sanctuary so all can hear. Oh, God, I do not want to miss any of Your words and when I hear them grant me understanding.
hymnals holding faith set to music. Hymns - a chance to worship with a joyful noise.
prayer shawls loving made by women in the church. I see these and am reminded that I must always have concern and compassion for ALL!
sacks with items to help children make it through the service. Bless the children. Thank you for putting a special place for children in my heart.
And as I sat there, I thought about the --
pews. A place for me to sit and spend time with God and other believers.
Why random thoughts? Because they are fun and I love to look at things and figure how they remind me of God in my life.
Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.
Yup. Have some fun. Look around and tell God what you see and how it reminds you of Him.
Leave a comment and let me know what you come up with.