Think of something you would
like. Got it?
Say it out loud.
Is it there? Did you get it? No?
Maybe you did not say it just right.
Or you were not forceful enough.
Let’s try again. Maybe something a bit smaller than last
time. Ready?
Think of something you would
Say it out loud.
Is it there? Gee, I thought it would happen this time.
Since that did not work, let’s
try something else.
Breathe in. A deep breath. Exhale.
Breathe in. A very deep breath. Blow out as hard as you can.
What happened?
Nothing? Really?
You must not have followed directions.
Well, try again. Breathe in.
What happened? Nothing again? Surely your breath caused a change in the
world somehow. Oh my.
God said, “Let there be
- Light
- Firmament
- Waters
- Grass,
seeds, trees
- The
sun, moon and stars
- Creatures
in the ocean, on the land and in the air
- Man Genesis 1
The Mighty One, God, the Lord, speaks and summons
the earth from the rising of the sun to where it sets. Psalm 50:1
Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of
the ground and breathed into
his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
Genesis 2:7
breath of God produces ice, and
the broad waters become frozen. Job 37:10
But the time will come when
the Anarchist will no longer be held back, but will be let loose. But don’t
worry. The Master Jesus will be right on his heels and blow him away. The
Master appears and—puff!—the Anarchist is out of there. 2
Thessalonians 2:8 The Message
Let’s recap –
We can speak – ask for something
to appear, maybe a car or a new refrigerator or even a toothpick – and nothing
God speaks and – oh my goodness – the world
is created, complete with lights and animals and us. God speaks and summons the earth day in and
day out.
We can breathe out a deep breath and
the world does not change.
God breathed into Adam’s nostrils and – oh my
goodness – we breathe. God’s breath
produces ice. Jesus took a deep breath
and blew the Anarchist away.
Our power to speak or breathe water
to ice or something into or out of existence:
Cannot do
God’s power to speak or breathe water to
ice or something into or out of existence:
Can do
Question: Why do we try to do life on our own instead
of using the power of God?
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