Spring bounces into summer. Summer chills into fall. Fall freezes into winter. Winter melts into spring. And the cycle begins again. (My goodness, that came out like a writing
exercise for an English class.)
Some like one season and some
like another. Me? I like spring. The flowers break through the soil and
bloom. Color comes back. The grass gets really green and leaves pop
out. Toes are allowed to wiggle free. Calves and lambs race around the
pasture. Yup, I love spring.
Except for mud that comes with
the spring thaw. And getting the winter
coat out again because it is Indiana and snow can come anytime. And ants that think they need to check out
kitchen counter crumbs. And changing the
clocks which means it is still daylight when I want to go to bed. AND OF COURSE INCOME TAXES ARE DUE!
Maybe I need to rethink this “spring
is my favorite season” thing.
Or maybe, I am just never
satisfied. Summer is too hot. Fall is beautiful but the flower beds have to
be cut back. Winter has ice. Spring has taxes.
Or maybe – Spring might bring
mud, but putting bare feet into mud is sooooo much fun. Mud squishes around my toes and tickles. Summer may be hot, but there is nothing like
a fresh tomato or eating corn on the cob.
A fall day is the perfect time to open the windows and allow the breeze
to “air out the house.” Winter snow
makes everything clean and quiet.
It would be a bit boring if every
day was the same. Same weather. Same people.
Same clothes. Same food. Same show on TV. Same team winning the game. Same book.
Same blog.
I might prefer spring, but each
season comes with its pros and cons.
Each season comes with change.
Each season makes our lives interesting.
No matter what, each season comes.
And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.
As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”
What is your favorite
What has God put into that
particular season that brings you joy?
What is your “except for” (something
you do not like) in that season?
What is one thing you like
about each of the other three seasons?
I think I will keep spring as my
favorite season. Warm days and releasing
toes to wiggle in mud and grass are the deal breakers.
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