Friday, November 16, 2018


“Mary what are you thankful for this year?” God asked.

“I hate it when you ask me questions.  No matter what I answer you will find something I missed and it will turn into you making a point,” I answered.

“Not this time. I was just wondering.”

(My mind went into overdrive!  If I say indoor plumbing, God will think I am being flippant.  If I say the universe YOU created, he will think I am trying to make brownie points.  I wonder if I could get away with putting my hand on my chin, look like I am really thinking and wait him out.  Oh my gosh!  Wait God out.  Come on Mary.  Give an answer!)

“I am thankful for ... popcorn.”

(Popcorn?  Where did that come from?  God asks what I am thankful for and I blurt out popcorn.)

“Popcorn.  Oh I wish you could have seen the face of the first person to pop corn.  They burnt the first batch.  Then they tried it with oil.  That worked but what a mess.  Gabriel and I laughed and laughed.  The next time they put a lid on the pan.”

“I didn’t mean to say popcorn.  I meant to say ... toothpicks.”

(Toothpicks.  That is even worse than popcorn.  Where did that come from?  I did go to the dentist this week but why didn’t dentist come out of my mouth instead of toothpick?)

“So those little pieces of food stuck between your teeth are annoying?”

“You have no idea.”

“Anything else you are thankful for?”

“Talking with you!”

(Finally my mind and my mouth worked together.)

“Aren’t you afraid people will think you are crazy when you tell them you talk to me?”

“NO!  Well, there are some who question how my mind works but everyone can talk to you.  We can just ..... talk to you.  Tell you what is on our hearts.  Tell you when we are scared or happy or sometimes sit quietly and know you are there.  That is my final answer:  I am thankful I can talk to you.”

“One more thing.”

“I knew it.  Here comes the point of our conversation.”

“Oh, Mary.  No point to be made by me this time, but I have one more question.  What will people think about us having a back and forth conversation?”

“This is my blog and if I want to write it in conversation form it is perfectly fine.  Besides, I have a point to make.”

<   <   <   <   <    >   >   >   >   >

Thanksgiving —- Giving Thanks

The point?  When you are filled to the brim with turkey, ham, dressing/stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pie and someone asks, “What are you thankful for?”, blurt out the first thing that comes to your mind.  Have fun with the question and celebrate the answer.  Yes be thankful for family and friends and home and .... But what about popcorn?  Of course!  The sound of it popping.  The smell.  The crunch.  The popcorn hull stuck between your teeth.  Now you are thankful for a toothpick.

Yes be thankful for health and sunsets and faith and ..... But be thankful for jokes that make us laugh and hugs and games and books and funky socks and...... conversations with God.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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