Friday, October 06, 2023

 HI.  I AM ….

How do you introduce yourself?  Or how would others introduce you?

Since 1965, Bill has introduced me as, “My wife, Mary.”  When the kids were in school, I was Bill’s mother or Terri’s mother. I became someone’s grandma.  Before hubby retired, I was known as Bill’s office manager.  When I worked auctions, I was Mary, the cashier.  I am sometimes introduced, “This is my sister, Mary.”

I am introduced as my wife, my mother, my sister, my grandma, or my friend.  At church I am introduced as our Sunday School teacher, our social media manager, and our Mary.  I really like that “our Mary.”  Bill calls me “My Mary.”  Those make me feel special.  Like I have an identity that is not connected to a skill or activity or family.  Just ME.

Now don’t get me wrong.  I like being honored with the tags wife, mother, sister, grandma, or friend.  I appreciate that the people in our Sunday School class are willing to recognize me in public.  And I was darned good at being an auction cashier.  But I have hit an all-time low…

Our mailman started attending our daughter’s church.  Last Sunday he went up to our son-in-law and said, “Hi.  I know Norman Frog.”  He did not say, “Hi.  I know your in-laws.”  No -- he says NORMAN FROG!  When being introduced, I now rank below a stuffed frog.  For anyone who does not know, I have a stuffed frog with an Instagram account.  (norman_frog)  He has more followers than I have Facebook friends.  He sends Christmas cards to people in 23 countries.  How does Norman introduce me? He says, “This is my human.”  If he has to admit I am the one that sends those cards, he calls me his assistant.

For all my accomplishments, I am most recognized as a stuffed frog’s assistant.  Now doesn’t that just knock me off my pedestal?

All this to ask a question:  When talking to family, friends, and strangers, how do you introduce God?

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