Friday, November 24, 2023

Thanks Giving

Although many families will gather at various times over this weekend, Thanksgiving is over. For the first time we did not celebrate with family. Life steps in and traditions are broken. I did think about things I am thankful for. Here is my list:

I am thankful for the gift of hearing. I cherish the sound of a door opening as a loved one comes home. It means they are safe. The sound of the furnace means we will be warm. I love to be a part of a good conversation, but often silence is what my soul needs.

I am thankful for the gift of touch. I love the feel of a hand gently touching my cheek. The warmth, as I hold a hot cup of coffee, is the way to start my day and the sun on my face, as I watch the waves come and go, makes that coffee even better. I love the feel of turning the pages of a book.

I am thankful for the gift of taste. The sweetness of homemade fudge brings back memories. The saltiness of potato chips is perfect when dipped in chocolate ice cream. The first strawberry is a taste to be savored, but barely beats the first, dripping in butter, roasting ear.

I am thankful for the gift of sight. Watching buffalo is something I could do for hours. Being able to see the colors as God paints the sky is a reminder that our Creator thought of everything. I have seen baby calves stand, on wobbly legs, as they nursed for the first time. I have seen our children seconds after they were pushed into the world.

I am thankful for the gift of smell. I love the smell of leaves burning and the air after a summer storm. The aroma of a good ole, bone-in ham makes me hungry. The best smell of all is .. drum roll .. a baby after a bath.

On this Thanksgiving, I am Giving Thanks for the five senses which God blessed me with.

Friday, November 17, 2023


Of course I would give some to the children and grandchildren.  Family members and special friends.  I would give to charities.  I would set up a fund to help people who need a hand up: A car to get to work or a new fridge.  Those things most of us take for granted but would make a world of difference in their life.  Finally, since I won $774 million, I would buy a condo in Orange Beach, Alabama.

Have you ever played the “If I Won The Lottery” (IIWTL) game?  We played that game a few weeks ago when the payout was an unbelievable amount.  Hubby spent his half quickly buying farmland, with the goal of finding a way to help young men and women, who could not afford to farm, but had a desire to farm.  I had trouble spending my half: $387 million.  I mean — who thinks in terms of millions?  Even after placing more money on the charity block of the IIWTL board game, I have millions sitting in front of me.  Millions! Even after doubling the cash for charities, family, and friends, there is money sitting in front of me.  Think Mary.  What would you do with $387 million?

Sigh.  We did not win.  IIWTL game is over.

What did I expect?  The odds were 1 in 292,201,338. 

“Mary did you even buy a ticket?”

Hi God.  We bought one. 

“Did you really think you would win?”

No.  Just dreaming of what I could do with that much money.

“How much money do you need?  How much will make you happy?”

Oh God.  The IIWTL is just a game.  The lottery wouldn’t make me happy.  Besides, I have everything I really need. 

“My goodness.  Have you been paying attention when we have conversations?”

Maybe.   I notice you do not have the 2 X 4 with my name on it, so apparently you do not intend to use the “get Mary’s attention” device.

“You are funny.  People are reading this so how do we get them to realize that money will not buy what they need to be happy?”

Well, if you don’t know how to get them to realize that, I don’t have a clue how to do it.  Money is a tool.  A tool we work for and use to get the things we need and the things we want.  I think the problem is that people allow the list of things they want to keep growing.  The list never ends because, when one thing gets marked off, we add another. 

“Of course, you are not guilty of this.”

There is sarcasm in that statement!  Of course, I am guilty of this, but I have learned that the things I really need and want do not require money.  And, when I accepted the gifts of grace, redemption, forgiveness, mercy, and hope, my want list changed. 

“May I see your want list?”

Really?  You know what is on there.  I will show you after I take a few things off.  Let me see.  Nope.  That can go.  This too. 

“Mary.  You keep going over that list.  I’ll be back to check it later.  And when you get to item 27, give it some real thought.  I do believe you can mark it off.”

But God, I really, really want a new computer.  God.  God.  I knew it.  He gives me something to think about and then lets me toss it around and around in my head. 

My computer works.  My computer does everything I need it to do.  My computer… Item #27 on my want list is now deleted. 


How often do you take a look at your want list?  This is not your need list which includes food and shelter and health care and ….  This is the list that makes you think, “If I only had __?__, I would be happy.”  How often do you take things off your want list? How often do you add things to your want list?

Now you have something to think about.  What item would God tell you to mark off?  Toss this around and around in your head.  Would the things on your want list really make you happy or would you find the next thing and the next thing … and never be happy?


Friday, November 10, 2023


There are many words we use to describe God: Powerful, Wise, Judge, Forgiving.  But I think there are traits we need to add to our lists. Words like smile and grin and laugh. I know. I know. I am applying human traits to an Almighty God, but think about it. 

I asked this question to other people and have used their replies.


Does God get a chuckle watching us sit anywhere except the front pew?  Does his grin turn into a full smile when there is a good discussion in Sunday School?  How hard does he laugh when a child asks a teacher, “If Zacchaeus was a wee little man, how did he get up in the tree?”  I bet God laughs at a lot of things that happen in church.

Do you think God smiles when he sees a dad sit still while his daughter puts makeup on him? Or when a mom only watches as her son makes a cake “by myself.”  

Terri read some of the names in Numbers and said, “I am sure God laughs as we try to pronounce them.  It is really hard to keep Elijah and Elisha straight.”

Janet seemed to think, “God would smile when we are so happy when a plan comes together and that is what He had planned all along.”


Can you imagine the joy God feels when he sees a family pray together?

Brenda believes God would be filled with joy if he saw children coming to the altar and other children surrounding them, laying hands on them, and praying.  I think that would fill all our hearts with joy.

Bill told me that God would find joy in people getting along. 

Jon commented, “People helping others when it was inconvenient for them would make God joyful.”

Janet said the same thing.  “God would be filled with joy when His people are kind, loving and happy doing His work.”


Actually this is an easy question to answer:  His children do.

This leads to another question, maybe a question that is not so easy to answer:  Are you one of his children?

Friday, November 03, 2023


Our son-in-law, Jon, sends me a message almost every day.  A couple weeks ago, he was busy and missed three days.  I asked him where my daily message was! He told our daughter that I had gotten after him.  It is a good relationship when you can give your son-in-law what for.  Anyway, the messages he sends are scriptures and often includes a question or short comment.

Sometimes I give him a thumbs up.  Sometimes a short comment.  Sometimes a very long comment. Here is our October 31st exchange:

FROM JON:  “For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment; if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others; if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless (for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)— if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment.”

‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭2‬:‭4‬-‭9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

MY REPLY:  But I am not righteous like Noah and Lot.  I sin.  I make mistakes.  I, at times, am anything but righteous.  My prayers are selfish.  I can never be good enough for God to save me from a flood or fire and I fear what is happening in our world.  I am lost.  I will drown or burn.  I will be destroyed.  I will fall way short of the Glory of God.  I will grieve God (It stabs my heart every time I think that I grieve God.).  I say no to God’s plan and want God to approve my plan.  I am lost!

I sent that, waited and moment, and then continued:  EXCEPT, God knit me in my mother’s womb and has led me to the one place I realize I am not lost.  He led me to the Cross.  He saved Noah out of a flood.  He saved Lot out of a fire.  He saved Rahab out of the destruction of Jericho.  And he has saved me from death to eternal life.  He saved me by sending His Son.  I am not lost.  I am saved.


I did have to get after Jon about sending the message at the extremely early hour of 5:30 AM.    Like a good son-in-law, he now waits until 6:30 - 7:00 AM.  Bless his heart.  

Jon sends these scriptures to a number of people and I do not know how many respond.  It really doesn’t matter.  Jon does his part.  He is spreading the Word.  Sorta like my blog.  I put it out there and if it helps one person, that is all that matters.  

If each of us helped one person to Christ, think how the world would change.