Friday, April 05, 2024


I keep some hints back for those times when Thursday seems to sneak up on me.  This is one of those weeks.  At the top of the list was the question:  Who must approve of us to make us happy?  Following that was a quotation by Wayne Dyer:  If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.  Hummmm.  Nope.  Neither seemed to fit the fast-approaching time to post my blog.  On down the list I went.  No.  Hmmmm, maybe.  Sorta.  YES – Bingo.


Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.  This is rather fitting.  This Monday, maybe not all the earth, but the corner of the earth I am in will be watching an eclipse of the sun.  What an event this is because, if the weather cooperates, will see a total eclipse. 

Worship the LORD with gladness;  You know, the opposite of grouchy, grumpy, aggravated, upset, frowning, or having an unforgiving heart.  

come before him with joyful songs.  Joyful songs that are delightful, glad, happy, and thankful.  No songs that are sad, wretched, or full of calamity.

Know that the LORD is God.  Well, duh.  Who else do you know who could create the world in such a way that a total eclipse would pass over Indiana on April 8, 2024, just so I could see it?

It is he who make us, and we are his;  Psalm 139 is my favorite Psalm.  We are wonderfully made.  Knit in our mother’s womb.  God did that.  He created us.  He created you.  Proclaim (to declare publicly, insistently, proudly, defiantly) these words:  I am a child of God.  Say it again with your head held high and your hand raised toward heaven:  I am a child of God.  One more time, but quietly, almost a whisper, reverently:  I am a child of God.

we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.  We are not alone!!!  Remember that when you are by yourself and feel forgotten.  We are not along.  You.  Me.  WE are his people!  WE are his sheep and we feed on His Word.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise;  Sometimes life can hold more than a bit of troubles, but even in our trials and troubles, we can find things to be thankful for.  How valuable is a kind word, a friend’s smile, a loved one finally getting rest, or a cup of morning coffee.  Do you ever wonder where his courts are?  Does this mean heaven?  Does this mean church?  Or maybe this means our world.  Give praise when the fish are biting.  Give praise when the storm breaks.  What the heck.  Just give praise all the time.  God will love it.

give thanks to him and praise his name.  This is easy.  I praise you and give thanks for the children you created that discovered medications that ease our pain and heal our bodies.  For those that you created to be teachers.  And truck drivers.  And farmers.  And …….

For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;  Forever!!  This does not say for a week or a month or a year or 100 years or 100,000 years.  It says FOREVER and that is a very long time.  In other words, our LORD’s love never ends. 

his faithfulness continues through all generations.  What this does not say is that our faithfulness continues through all generations.  We can all look at our families and find those that do not believe.  BUT I can look at my family and see our Lord’s faithfulness in the lives of my grandmother, mother, and daughter.  Generations.

Psalm 100.  Only 5 verses.  An easy read that is full of joy.



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