Friday, June 14, 2024


Time -  Time is such a precious gift.  How do we use our time and who is in control of our time?

Before I retired, my bosses were in control of much of my time.  I had no control of when auctions were scheduled.  I also worked for Bill.    Farm reports had to be done.  Appraisals had to be done.  I worked when my bosses told me to work.  

Family uses a big chunk of our time.  Being a spouse takes time.  We had two children and, believe me, they controlled a very large amount of my time.  For some unknown reason, they expected to be fed and taken care of:  baths, play time, nap time, little league games and band concerts.  Not to mention clean clothes.  And the  late night use of my time because, as I was tucking them in bed, they remembered they needed cookies for school the next day.  

Often, others control so much of our time, there is no time left for ourselves.  Time that is required — work and family — devours the seconds, minutes, and hours of our day until the only time we have to read is while we are waiting for band practice to get out.

Time -  Time is such a precious gift.  How do we use our time and who is in control of our time?

Yes, work consumes our time.  That is not a bad thing unless it robs us of time for family.

Yes, family consumes our time.  That is not a bad thing unless it robs us of time for friends.

Yes, friends consume our time.  That is not a bad thing unless it robs us of time to help others by volunteering.

Yes, volunteering consumes our time.  That is not a bad thing unless it robs us of time to …..

This line of reasoning can go on and on but I hope it will get you to thinking about how you use your time.   Time is a precious gift.  Use it wisely.

PS. I did not forget to put in time for prayer and worship.  I hope you picked up on how easily our time slips away and we use the excuse, “I didn’t have time to read this week’s Sunday School lesson or attend worship service or help at VBS or even pray.  I didn’t have time for God.”  Time is precious.  Do you use it wisely?

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