Friday, October 25, 2024


October 23 and vacation is over!  Well almost.  We are a few hours from home, and it is funny what Bill and I notice.  The view out his window is entirely different than mine.

I see that way too many people received the “gray memo.”  Honestly!  Just because a TV show started using gray siding does not mean that every house remodel should include the color gray.  News flash — there are around 30 different colors for siding.

Bill sees corn.  Corn still standing.  Corn shelled.  Corn with smut that was turning the combine black.  Corn blown over.  75-80% of the beans are cut and a lot of corn is shelled.

I see really neat front porches.  Porches that wrap completely around the house.  My imagination pictures someone, coffee cup in hand, watching the sun come up.  The swing holds a small child reading a book to daddy.  And a young lady is receiving a marriage proposal.

Bill sees an International Lone Star and does not understand why I don’t consider it special.  He also points out a combine and tells me a new one costs $1 million.

So far, I have seen four old cemeteries.  Bill used his selective hearing to not hear me say, “Those look interesting.”  He knows that is code for “we should stop and see this”.  We did not stop.  The horse (Bill) was headed to the barn (home) and nothing was going to get in his way.

Bill sees the variations in gasoline prices.  It has gone from $2.68 to $3.89.  He also wonders how property - usually farms – can be so well taken care of and then a mile down the road it is as if no one cares.  Buildings are falling down and equipment left sitting everywhere.

Looking out the window taught us three things:

   We should have bought stock in Dollar General.  They are more prolific than rabbits.

   We watched a cobweb attached to the antenna.  How did it hang on?  At 40 mph, it hung on.  At 60 mph, it hung on.  We got on the interstate and it stayed right there.  No matter what the world throws at us, we want to be as strong, in our faith, as that cobweb.

   Bill finds it fascinating that I can so easily pick up the southern accent.  If I am around someone that is truly southern, I will sound like I was born there.  This makes us realize we need to be careful who we are around.  Bad habits and going the wrong directions are easy to pick up.

What do you see when you are out for a drive?  

Do you learn any lessons from another’s perspective?

Friday, October 18, 2024


I love to take my iPad and shrink the map until it becomes a globe.  Then I spin the globe to see where it is daylight and where it is dark.  At night, Africa has very few lights.  Only the big cities show up.  In other countries, there are lots of big cities and lots of light. 

It has always amazed me that when I am sleeping, people on the other side of the globe are at work.  They are fixing breakfast and drinking coffee.  They are trying to get the little ones out the door so they will not be late for school.  Then the process changes.  It is time for me to wake up and time for them to go to bed.  One world but so different.

I am also interested to see those from other countries dressed in traditional attire.  The best I can come up with, for the USA, is to dress as an Indian, a Pilgrim, a cowboy, or a saloon lady.  There does not seem to be a traditional attire for our country.  When I googled, the answer was jeans.  Wow.  Jeans.  That is a bit of a letdown.  Then I thought about countries where my blog is read.

India’s sarees are bright and colorful and the kurta, for men and women, represents a cultural identity.  The lehenga choli uses gold and silver threads for intricate embroidery and design.  Japanese women now wear kimonos for formal occasions and the obi, a wide sash, may cost more than all other layers, of the kimono, put together.  The black martial arts pants are called Kakamas.

You would travel 5,973 miles to go from Japan to Ireland.  In Ireland you would find tartan plaid kilts and musicians wearing Bodhran hats.  Of course, Ireland is famous for their linen and lace.  I will not try to pronounce the National Dress of Sweden:  Sverigedrakten.

Hope I got the names correct.  If not, blame google.

I notice that each country also has a unique type of music.  Our languages are different.  The color of our skin ranges from very dark to very light.  One world but so different.

I pick songs to post on our church Facebook page each Wednesday and you know what I find?  I find Amazing Grace sung by choirs around the world.  I find How Great Thou Art sung by a Russian family, living in the USA.  I find The Old Rugged Cross sung in small churches and in great cathedrals. 

We may not have the same color of skin.  We may have different languages and unique types of music.  We may wear sverigedrakten or a Bodhran hat or a kimono or a saree or jeans. 

Around the world, we wake and we sleep.  We have long established and new families.  We work in and outside the home.  We eat rice and we eat pizza.

This makes me wonder.  Are we really so different?  Aren’t we all Children of God? 

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!  And that is what we are!   1 John 3:1

If you can, would you please tell us what country you are from and your favorite hymn. This will help us realize Christ is working around the world.

Friday, October 11, 2024

 24 DAYS

I rarely use this blog for political comments, but I feel an obligation to speak up.  I believe all Christians and Christian churches should be speaking up.  We should be defending the Word of God and our beliefs.  I cannot tell you who to vote for, but I will tell you why I am voting for Trump/Vance.


Psalm 139:13 says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

Vice President candidate Waltz, as Governor of Minnesota, signed a bill that had essentially no restrictions on abortion at any stage of pregnancy.  According to the Democratic candidates, abortion is a woman’s right.  There are no rights for the child growing and waiting to be delivered. 

I cannot vote for a candidate who supports abortion on demand and up to the time of birth.


The DNC platform states that “big agriculture has moved in, telling too many small farms that the surest path to success was to get big or get out.  As a result, we lost over 400,000 farms in America in the last 40 years.”  They state that too many young people have had to leave their hometowns to find better jobs.  They want to give small and mid-size farmers a larger share of profits.

I have lived in agriculture/rural communities all my life.  My grandfather fed his family on a 40-acre farm.  I have seen the size of livestock facilities grow to what they are today.  Family farms are no longer 40-acres.  They are 1,000 + acres.  They may have the word Incorporated in the farm name, but it is still family owned and has passed from one generation to the next.  Farmers have gone from feeding their family to feeding the world.  Agriculture is not as seen on a TV movie.  Farmers own new pick-ups, their homes are modern, they go on vacations, and the lady of the house does not go out dressed like my grandmother and gather eggs.

I might just believe the DNC honestly wants to improve the lives of those involved in agriculture, until I read that the Biden administration (Which includes Harris) has worked with the big corporations they hate to push over 12,000-acres of farmland in Ohio to become solar facilities.  This was finally pushed through against the desires of the community.  These acres are just the tip of the iceberg.  Cropland is shrinking daily.  Biden also gave the green light to build solar power farms on 31 million acres of federal land.  Using land – federal land we own and prime cropland – does not seem like a policy that supports agriculture.

I cannot vote for a candidate who supports using prime farmland to grow solar panels instead of food.


I support legal immigration into the USA.  I do not support the open border policy that has existed the last four years. 

I cannot vote for a candidate who supports open borders and who sends a large number of illegal immigrants into cities and towns that are not prepared to provide services.


Our right to speak out for our beliefs is quickly eroding.  I believe there are two sexes:  Male and Female.  These result in pronouns of he, she, him, her.  If I refuse to use the pronouns of transgenders, in certain locations, I can be fired.  Only one side of this issue has true freedom of speech.

I do not believe our children should be allowed to make life altering decisions until they have reached the legal age of adulthood.  To give minors the right to take drugs and opt to have their bodies surgically changed is just wrong!  I do not believe men should be allowed to enter a woman’s locker room, a woman’s restroom, allowed to play on woman’s sport teams, or given approval to share a room with the opposite sex on field trips or team trips.  The same goes for women who believe there are male.

The democratic party supports the transgender ideology 100%.

I cannot vote for a candidate who believes it is appropriate to hide information from parents and who supports our youngest children to make decisions they do not understand.

I could go on, but I will stop.  I titled this 24 Days because that is how many days you have to research exactly what the candidates believe and support.  It is said that if Christians would vote, we could begin to turn this country around.   BUT, whatever candidate you support, VOTE!!!!!!!!!  I have always said, “If you didn’t vote, don’t complain.”  I vote!  And I complain.


Friday, October 04, 2024


The pictures are hard to see.  Homes washed away.  Businesses destroyed.  Boats stuck in the mud the flood left behind.  Roads and bridges gone.  Whole towns are no longer.  Piles and piles of belongings.  No electricity.  No water.  No food.  No way to know the devastation would ever be like this.

The pictures are hard to see, but the stories are heart wrenching.  A mother who could no longer hold onto her seven-year-old son and her parents.  A death toll that will continue to rise.  And loved ones and friends that may never be found.

I have a friend in Florida who lost everything.  Well, almost everything.  The pile of belongings keeps getting higher.  BUT the hospital was safe for his wife to have her ongoing medical treatments the day after the storm.  More stuff is carried out and the “to go” bag with important papers was not waterproof as promised.  BUT friends came to help and bring food.  The cars were totally destroyed.  BUT his mother and friends brought him a car and they shared a margarita.  The drywall is off to above the water line.  BUT the use of a condo allows him, his wife, and dog to shower and sleep and plan.  It seems all is lost.  BUT a boat that was not destroyed sails another day.  Strength, that should be helping a very ill body survive, is used to clean out a house.  BUT a quirky sense of humor has kept us informed on how they are doing.

<   <   <   <   >   >   >

The woman whose son was swept from her grasp, heard him calling the name of Jesus.  He knew where he was going.

My friend has been surrounded by caring, loving friends who are giving back to a couple that was always there to help and has blessed a community with their generosity.

Why am I telling you this? You have seen the pictures.  You might have family that went through the storm and is now suffering the aftermath.  You might have a friend that has lost almost everything.

On one of my friend’s posts, I wrote: When all is lost, that with value is seen more clearly. 

We want.  We acquire.  Stuff fills our homes.  And at the end of the storm, when everything seems to be lost, what has true value rises to the top.

A mother is secure in the knowledge that her son is with God.  She will see her son again.

A friend has found out how it feels to receive help.  And has what holds the most value — His wife.  His family.  His friends.  And their dog, Taz.  And a boat, taken out for a break from the pain and a moment of peace, leads to this:

Picture taken by my friend.