Friday, October 11, 2024

 24 DAYS

I rarely use this blog for political comments, but I feel an obligation to speak up.  I believe all Christians and Christian churches should be speaking up.  We should be defending the Word of God and our beliefs.  I cannot tell you who to vote for, but I will tell you why I am voting for Trump/Vance.


Psalm 139:13 says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

Vice President candidate Waltz, as Governor of Minnesota, signed a bill that had essentially no restrictions on abortion at any stage of pregnancy.  According to the Democratic candidates, abortion is a woman’s right.  There are no rights for the child growing and waiting to be delivered. 

I cannot vote for a candidate who supports abortion on demand and up to the time of birth.


The DNC platform states that “big agriculture has moved in, telling too many small farms that the surest path to success was to get big or get out.  As a result, we lost over 400,000 farms in America in the last 40 years.”  They state that too many young people have had to leave their hometowns to find better jobs.  They want to give small and mid-size farmers a larger share of profits.

I have lived in agriculture/rural communities all my life.  My grandfather fed his family on a 40-acre farm.  I have seen the size of livestock facilities grow to what they are today.  Family farms are no longer 40-acres.  They are 1,000 + acres.  They may have the word Incorporated in the farm name, but it is still family owned and has passed from one generation to the next.  Farmers have gone from feeding their family to feeding the world.  Agriculture is not as seen on a TV movie.  Farmers own new pick-ups, their homes are modern, they go on vacations, and the lady of the house does not go out dressed like my grandmother and gather eggs.

I might just believe the DNC honestly wants to improve the lives of those involved in agriculture, until I read that the Biden administration (Which includes Harris) has worked with the big corporations they hate to push over 12,000-acres of farmland in Ohio to become solar facilities.  This was finally pushed through against the desires of the community.  These acres are just the tip of the iceberg.  Cropland is shrinking daily.  Biden also gave the green light to build solar power farms on 31 million acres of federal land.  Using land – federal land we own and prime cropland – does not seem like a policy that supports agriculture.

I cannot vote for a candidate who supports using prime farmland to grow solar panels instead of food.


I support legal immigration into the USA.  I do not support the open border policy that has existed the last four years. 

I cannot vote for a candidate who supports open borders and who sends a large number of illegal immigrants into cities and towns that are not prepared to provide services.


Our right to speak out for our beliefs is quickly eroding.  I believe there are two sexes:  Male and Female.  These result in pronouns of he, she, him, her.  If I refuse to use the pronouns of transgenders, in certain locations, I can be fired.  Only one side of this issue has true freedom of speech.

I do not believe our children should be allowed to make life altering decisions until they have reached the legal age of adulthood.  To give minors the right to take drugs and opt to have their bodies surgically changed is just wrong!  I do not believe men should be allowed to enter a woman’s locker room, a woman’s restroom, allowed to play on woman’s sport teams, or given approval to share a room with the opposite sex on field trips or team trips.  The same goes for women who believe there are male.

The democratic party supports the transgender ideology 100%.

I cannot vote for a candidate who believes it is appropriate to hide information from parents and who supports our youngest children to make decisions they do not understand.

I could go on, but I will stop.  I titled this 24 Days because that is how many days you have to research exactly what the candidates believe and support.  It is said that if Christians would vote, we could begin to turn this country around.   BUT, whatever candidate you support, VOTE!!!!!!!!!  I have always said, “If you didn’t vote, don’t complain.”  I vote!  And I complain.


1 comment:

Janet Warnock said...

Hooray for Mary! Willing to take a public stand. We all need to do our research and know why we vote and which party we want to follow. Pray about this. This country has so much to lose in this election.