Friday, February 15, 2013



Ash Wednesday: February 13

Palm Sunday: March 24

Good Friday: March 29

Easter: March 31

As you read that list, did you think ashes, palm branches, cross and Easter Bunny? Easter brings to mind so many things but everything, except the Easter Bunny, can be summed up with one word: SURRENDER.


>> To give up into the power of another

>> Declare yourself defeated: to declare to an opponent that he or she has won so that fighting or conflict can cease

>> To restore before expiration of the term

>> To give up or give back (something that has been granted)

Jesus surrendered his life so we could surrender ours, but we sure do fight that surrender. We want to hold back. We don’t want to give in.

Give up into the power of another: It is so hard to admit we cannot accomplish everything on our own. What relief we receive when we surrender to the power of God.

Declare yourself defeated so fighting/conflict can cease: God has a special plan just for you. He has one for me too. The conflict comes in when we (that would be you and me) try to make our plan more important than His. Listen close because I am going to whisper a secret to you. Ready? God’s plan is better! When we surrender our plan our conflict with God will end. (Now that doesn’t mean His plan will be easy for us. It just means we surrender and know God will help us get through.)

Restore before expiration: Well that one is easy. Surrender before we die, because then it is too late.

To give up or give back something that has been granted: God granted us life but to receive eternal life, we must surrender this life.


Yup. Easter is all about surrender. Think about that as you prepare for Easter Sunday when we celebrate the surrender on the cross and the resurrection that followed.

God surrendered His Son. Jesus surrendered His life. Are you ready to surrender?


All to Jesus, I surrender;

Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;

Let me feel the Holy Spirit,

Truly know that Thou art mine.

I surrender all, I surrender all,

All to Thee, my bless'd Savior,

I surrender all.


Judson W. Van DeVenter (1855-1939) wrote the words to the hymn I Surrender All. You can go to this link to read about this man.

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