Friday, May 17, 2019


Power?  A single word?  How can a single word have power?  After all, it is only a word. 

Only a word?  Maybe.

IF –My goodness the word if can be a hammer.  How many times have you said, “IF I had made a different choice.”?  Then you beat yourself up, repeating over and over, “If.  If.  If.”

WHEN – The word when can be a bargaining chip.  How many times have you said, “When ‘this or that’ happens, I will __insert activity__.”  ? The when never happened so neither did the activity. 

UNQUALIFIED –The word unqualified can be a stop sign.  Have you ever had a dream?  A goal?  An idea?  Then you tell someone and they say, “You are unqualified to do that.”  The word unqualified will stop you in your tracks, take away your dream, and squash your imagination.

LATER – The word later can be an escape goat and a thief.  Later is a way of getting out of things you do not want to do.  Later is feeling good because you did not actually tell someone no.  Later robs you of missed opportunities, joys, and memories.

Do you get the idea?
Are you thinking of another kind of powerful words?

TRY – The word try is a green light!  Picture a kid holding boards and nails looking at an adult.  They declare, “I am going to build a club house.”  The adult replies, “Go ahead and try.  Give it your best shot.”  The light changes to green and boards are nailed together to make something that just might resemble a club house.  Or it might fall over as the final nail enters the board.  And if it does fall over?  Try again!

CONGRATULATIONS The word congratulations is a pat on the back and an acknowledgement of a job well done.  How wonderful to finish a project, complete your studies, or accomplish a goal and have someone say, “Congratulations.”  Yes, congratulations gives a pat on the back and encouragement to go forward.

INTEGRITY – The word integrity is a stamp of approval.  What do you think of a man when you are told he has integrity?  When a reference states she is if the highest integrity, do you put the resume in the keep file?  The word integrity stamps a person as honest, dependable, moral and upright.

COMPASSION – The word compassion can motivate a person into action.  This powerful word can change the life of one person, one community or can be a chain reaction that could change the world.  Compassion opens our eyes, hearts, and our minds to how others live and feel.  We see their needs.  Their dreams.  Their suffering.  Their hope.  Compassion is a very powerful word.

Do you get the idea?
Are you thinking of another kind of powerful words?

FAITH – The word faith is the ability to believe what the world says is impossible.  To believe what you cannot see.  Noah had faith there was going to be a lot of rain.  Sarah had faith she would finally be a mother.  We have faith Jesus will return!  Faith is the ability to believe .. just because God said so.

GRACE – The word grace is a gift.  Grace is the difference between what we – you, me, and everyone – deserve and what we receive.  God blessed us rather than the alternative.  I don’t know about you, but I want God’s grace!  The alternative does not sound so hot – or maybe the alternative sounds too hot.  Grace is a blessing.

PEACE – The word peace calms our lives.  Peace – God’s peace – means the presence of God is always with us.  Peace – God’s peace – means we are not to be afraid.  Peace is a comfort, like wrapping your favorite blanket (aka Holy Spirit) around you and knowing you are going to be okay.

THE MOST POWERFUL WORD OF ALL (in my humble opinion)


LOVE – I looked up the word love.  It can be a noun or a verb.  Some synonyms are cherish, treasure, value, adore, like, and zeal.  Oh, this sounds great.  Then I looked up God’s love. 


God’s love rejoices over us and quiets us.  God’s love is steadfast, abounding and endures forever.  (Did you get the forever part?)  God IS love.  We cannot be separated from God’s love. 

For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16  KJV

See what great love the Father has lavished on us,
that we should be called children of God!
And that is what we are!
1 John 3:1  NIV

Power in a single word?  Love -- after all, it is only a word.  Or is it? 

Please read out loud: 
That is what I am!  A CHILD OF GOD!


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