Friday, September 06, 2019


God says go.
  • Noah, go take the animals and your family for a boat ride.
  • Abram, go away from your homeland, because I have big plans for you.
  • Moses, go take a very long walk and do not worry about the Red Sea.  I have you covered.
  • Jonah, go to Nineveh and be careful or you will end up in the belly of a big fish.

Even today God is telling people to go.  Go to Haiti or Africa or China or America.  And sometimes God says, “Go to those young girls.”

Our daughter and I were standing outside Cleveland Clinic waiting for the shuttle back to our hotel.  The weather was good and it is always fun to people watch.  Then I saw them -- two young girls talking quietly, tears in their eyes, and making phone calls. 

We continued to observe people, talk about the controlled chaos of picking up/dropping off patients, and watch the fountain.  And glance at the girls.

Then, the one girl put her phone down and began to cry.  And God said, “Go.”

“Are you okay?” 

“No.  Our friend from our dorm is here and she has no family close.  Her mother called us to see if we could sit with her.”

“How is she?”

“She was found in a pond and has not regained consciousness.  We don’t know.  We are not family.  And we are missing classes, but will worry about that later.”

They continued, “There is nothing we can do but be here and pray.”

“I am sure her mother is very thankful you are here.  Her daughter is not alone.”

After they talked a bit longer, I asked, “May I pray with you?”

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Have you ever had the thought, “I should call ___?___?”

Or, “I should pray for ___?___?”

Have you ever passed a stranger and wanted to tell them everything would be okay?

Did you do it?  If you are like me, the thought or urge passes and is quickly forgotten.  Except this time.

The thought or urge passes and is quickly forgotten -- except this time --- and, know what?  It was easy!  I was not self-conscious.  I am not the best prayer in the world, but the words came. 

We talked.  I prayed.  I went back to waiting on the shuttle.  The girls went back inside.  And I wonder what happened. 

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What happened is up to God.  I only had to comfort and pray.  But what if I had not?

Sooooo – The next time you get a feeling you should call a friend, call them.  Or pray for them, pray.  Or tell that stranger everything will be okay, do it.  Because, what if you don’t?

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