Friday, August 30, 2019


No, I did not forget a space.  The word is “meme” and Merriam-Webster describes it this way:  it is an amusing or interesting item (such as a captioned picture or video) or genre of items that is spread widely online especially through social media.”

How would I describe myself in memes?

 I really, really do like my morning coffee. 

“Normal” is rarely used to describe me.

 I am a bit outspoken.

I have days when I am trapped between Do Not Enter and Do Not Exit.

When I saw this picture, I swore they were my two youngest grandsons.  They denied it, but I am not sure I believe them.  (No, I do not find this picture in bad taste.  My goodness it is funny!  God has a sense of humor.  After all, He created me.)  I put this picture in because I am a grandmother.  I must be prepared for anything.

A true friend

I hope this is my outlook on life.

I hope I will always hold this scripture in my heart.

I pray this is how Jesus reacts when I arrive and he shows me to my room in the mansion.

I am a mix of emotions.  Experiences.  Memories.  I have my good side.  Silly side.  I have parts of me that need worked on…big time!  I cannot be described in one word nor summed up in one meme. 

One thing is for sure – there is no one else quite like me!  (And for that all God’s children said Amen.)

For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Psalm 139:13

My goodness, God does good work.  He created me and know what?  He isn’t done with me yet!!!

Question:  What memes would you use to describe yourself?

Reminder:  God created you and he does good work.  He is not done with you yet.  He has plans for you – unique plans. 

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