Friday, October 25, 2019


  • I wonder how the first person came up with tires. 
  • I wonder who looked at a marshmallow, candy bar, and graham cracker and thought, “How would this taste if I put the marshmallow on a stick, held it over a fire, toasted it, and then stacked them all together?”
  • I wonder who was hungry enough to take an egg, crack it, and decide it needed to be cooked before eating.
  • I wonder why items were named car or ball or telephone or marbles.
  • I wonder who mixed together the right ingredients to make my life better, when they invented bubbles.

Yup, I wonder a lot.  Life fascinates me.  I look around and I think:
  • “Why is that single leaf still hanging on the tree?”
  • “Why does mud feel so good when it squishes between my toes?”
  • “How can silence be so peaceful sometimes and so brutal at other times?”
  • “Why did God…”

And when I think these things out loud, my poor hubby answers, “How am I supposed to know?”

So many questions in our lives.  Some can be answered. 
  • I am sure a botanist could easily explain why the last leaf is still there and shake their head wondering why I don’t understand such a simple theory. 
  • Most children would look at me, with a how-dumb-are-you-stare, and say, “Because it is mud.”  And that would be the correct answer. 
  • A new mother would tell me that silence is a gift after trying to comfort a crying baby.  A prisoner would tell me that silence is torture, because then they hear their thoughts and their memories and the silence confirms their bad choices.

Some cannot be answered.  Why did God…?

I ask God that question a lot.  “God, why ????”  It is okay to ask God questions.  I have even been mad at God.  That is okay too.  He is a really big God and can handle my questions and my anger, along with all my joys and praises.  I love praising God.  I love the joys.  I am calm after God takes my anger.  But, I wonder why He doesn’t answer my questions.

Am I to figure it out?  Am I to search for the answer?  Am I to read His Word and discover the answer?  Sometimes, I do figure it out.  Sometimes, I search and find the answer.  Sometimes, I read His Word and discover the answer.  But other times, I want to shout:


And at those times, I have to trust ….As the song, Trust and Obey, written by John H. Sammis in 1887, says: 

Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
Not a doubt or a fear, not a sigh or a tear, Can abide while we trust and obey.

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