Friday, January 08, 2021



I think this will be a four part series, but it depends on my Sunday School Class.  I will see which class members read this, because I did not know the lesson would turn into a blog.  Last Sunday was such a joy; I have to write about it. 

Class started with the normal information.  What does joy mean?  Did you know joy, joyous, and joyful appear over 200 times in the Bible? 

I used Psalm 104:31 and Isaiah 65:17-19 to point out that God takes joy in His creation.  We are His creation!  That means God takes joy in us.  Now doesn’t that just make you joyful?  Plus the Bible is plum full of joy over the lost, the ministries and healings of Christ, the resurrection, and even joy after persecutions.

Once the intro was over, I asked them to look around the church.  Where do you find joy here?  It was quiet for a minute.  Then one person spoke up.  “The bathroom,” he said.  We all laughed, but admitted it did.  From there, it was nonstop.

They found joy in the sound system and the music.  They found joy in the Fellowship Hall.  (Our church finished a remodeling about a year ago.)  Fellowship Hall allows us to meet together and is easily accessible.  This was not the case before.  Time in Fellowship Hall gives us the opportunity for long conversations and celebrating.  They found joy in the Pastor as he gives us the Word of God and those that step up when needed. 

I asked a young lady what it felt like to sit beside her grandmother in church.  She said it inspired her.  That led to discussing how the church offered comfort and support after the loss of a loved one.  Of course you come to church the next Sunday.  There was no hesitation in answering that question. 

Worship was discussed.  The beliefs of the church must be strong and Biblical.  There needs to be a balance between the service being familiar, without it becoming stale and routine.  Music?  How can music be a point of concern?  Again, a balance is needed.  They always want the old, well known hymns, but we must be open to new music also.  One person suggested that if you do not like the music, read the words.  They are words of faith.  They are just written by a new generation of believers.

And isn’t that our purpose?  A new generation of believers.  Few churches are multi-generational.  They talked about how it is harder to get people to come to church.  Especially, youth…teenagers and college age. 

This is a small, rural church and there were only two there that did not have long-time, family ties to the church. 

All agreed on two things:

  • They know God is always there.
  • They miss singing.  This is a singing church and, with Covid and masks, singing is put on hold.


When the clock struck 11:30, the discussion was wrapped up.  But not until I pointed something out. 

During the entire conversation, not one person mentioned the brick/mortar of the building or the stained glass windows or the pew/chairs.  Everything that was mentioned reflected our joy in each other. 

A bathroom is a necessity.

The sound system and music allows us to join together in worship.  We can hear!  We can sing!

Fellowship Hall is a place to relax and enjoy each other.

Worshiping means we are united in our beliefs, fed by the Word, and serving where needed. 

This is the place for our healing to begin. 

“Others” was the biggest portion of our joy.  Joy in hearing about each other’s wonderful news and praying for their needs.  Joy in remembering the kindness shown during our trials, when healing words were spoken, and support was given,   And of course, the hugs!

And all of this?  All of this is why I was one of the two, with no former ties to this church.  Here I find JOY.

1 comment:

Jane said...
