Friday, June 04, 2021



I remember it like it was yesterday.  I had Friday and Monday off work!  A long weekend and the weather report was HOT.  And more HOT.  I do not do HOT.  I can do warm and sorta toasty, but hot – nope.  Hot means I melt. 

That Friday morning even included getting my hair done.  A real treat.  There were a few last minute errands, but I had been looking forward to this long weekend.  Everything had been checked off my list and I could relax.  I could breathe.  But then suddenly the clock seemed to speed up and I did not want to be late.

Time became a blur.  Mom and dad were getting dressed.  My younger sister was ready.  My older sister was on her way.  And the next thing I knew, I was standing at the back of the church.

It was a small church and it looked soft and warm, with the candles lit.  There were only a few people there.  The minister was smiling and he held an open Bible. 

My dad held my arm and said, “If you want to change your mind, we can leave.”  I wanted to shout, but, instead, quietly told him, “No!  I am not changing my mind.”

There stood Bill and Jim, the Best Man  Jean, my Matron of Honor, was now standing up front.  It was time.

On a Friday night, in a small church, 56 years ago, Bill took my hands.  I looked in his eyes, and said, “I do.”

I would do it over again.  This man, from our first date, had my heart and taught me how to say, “I love you.”  He has worked to provide for our family.  He quickly learned wives can be difficult and hard to understand.  He learned that babies can be loud and fussy.  And they felt so good when they slept with their head on his shoulder.  He realized children grew up way too fast and that grandchildren could be spoiled and sent home.  He supported me as I became an entirely different person than he married and is still surprised with the unique way my mind works.  He has been my chauffer across 49 states and tells me to be careful when I go off without him.  He was my nurse after surgeries and he worries about me.  He prays for me daily.

I would do it over again.

Happy Anniversary Bill!!

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