I have not written a hodge podge blog
for a bit, so here goes.
Bill is my proof reader. He finds my spelling errors, but sometimes
they are a lesson more than an error. He
pointed out that I had written haven instead of heaven.
I looked up haven:
- Harbor,
- A place
of safety, refuge
- A place
offering favorable opportunities or conditions A safe and peaceful place
- Sanctuary
Don’t know about you, but haven sounds
an awful lot like heaven.
A TV minister made the statement, “God
doesn’t have grandchildren. He only has
I thought about that. Why not grandchildren? Oh… I can believe. I can have a very strong belief. I am a child of God, but my faith does not
insure my children or grandchildren will have eternal life. I pray they will hear the scriptures and
I have a coloring app on my iPad and enjoy it because it is not a color by number. I pick the colors.
I had an art teacher criticize me because I made the leaves on a tree purple. She informed me, “Trees do not have purple leaves.” I told her, “Mine do.”
Warning: Disagreeing with an art teacher has a direct impact on the grade placed on the report card.
There are numerous pictures of animals
and that causes me a problem. Every so
often, a snake picture will appear. I HATE
SNAKES! Every time I saw one of those
pictures, I cringed. Then I had a brain
storm. I would completely cover them
with black. And I did.
This caused another problem. When I see that black square, I know there is
a snake under it. It is still there. Covering up those snakes is like trying to
hide a sin from God. Hide the sin in a
closet. God knows it is there. Hide the sin under a whole lot of doing good. God knows it is there. Leave sin at home when going to church. God knows it is there. Guess I cannot hide those snakes and I cannot
hide my sins from God.
Sure wish Noah had left those snakes
It is a full moon. Question: Isn’t it always a full moon? Just because we cannot see the entire moon,
doesn’t mean all the moon isn’t there. This leads to the fact that we cannot see the
love of God, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. The moon- all of it - is always there. God’s love - all of it - is always there.
How do we reply when God wants us to do something? YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT?
Words we use to argue with God:
- Nevertheless … a sure sign we are going
to argue with God
- If … the beginning of a negotiation (And we
really think we can negotiate with God.)
- But … Going to disagree
- Cannot … an excuse is on the way
- Except for … not totally against God’s
request if He would remove that one little section
- When ... God is about to hear that now
is not a good time
The amazing thing is that we honestly believe we will win an argument
with God. Moses tried everything to get
out of doing as God asked. “I have never
been eloquent,” he said. Now I might
have zapped him, but a very patient God replied, “Aaron will serve as a mouth
for you, and you will serve as God to him.”
Thinking about Moses, did all of the Israelites go with Moses or did
some stay behind? It says a mixed crowd also went up with them. Does this mean some non-Israelites skipped
town with them?
One final thought and this is for all of you who voice text. A friend called and was laughing at
herself. She had sent a voice text. You know:
Hi comma I am just checking on
you period I will pray for you period
Then she began a prayer: Dear
God comma
exclamation mark
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