Friday, February 02, 2024

I waited.  I thought.  I waited some more.  Not one idea for a blog.  I looked in my “ideas I have not used folder.  Not one of them sounded good.  Then it hit me.  Facebook does a reminder of what you were doing three, five, or ten years ago.  I would look back to 2014.  What did I write then? 

I read the blog for February 7, 2014.  Then I read the blogs for the rest of the month.  Guess what – you are going to have a month of re-blogs.

Friday, February 07, 2014


(based on 1 Kings 3:4-15 and 2 Chronicles 1:7-12)

Solomon was a really great man but I wonder if his mind was as sharp as everyone thought. Or maybe it was something he ate at the great gathering of the whole assembly. Either way, I am sure he did not understand the choice God gave him.

Tired after speaking to all Israel - commanders, judges, leaders and heads of families - and going to the high place at Gibeon, Solomon fell asleep. Solomon slept and he had a dream. A whooper of a dream.

"Solomon," said God. "I have a quick question for you. What would you like? Anything. Name it and you got it."

I do not know about you but there are many ways to answer a question such as this. Health. Wealth. A brand new car. Getting my pesky neighbor to move. But no -

Solomon answers, "Oh, wisdom and knowledge will be enough."

"Really? Okay, if wisdom and knowledge are your heart's desire," God replied. "Solomon, you knew how to answer because you have struck the jackpot. Wisdom and knowledge will guide you as you govern my people but you will also receive wealth, riches and honor like none before or none after. And, if you walk in my way, you will live a long time."

Solomon woke up, made some wise decisions and did not lack for chariots, horses, gold or silver.

Solomon was right in the head and he had not eaten any bad food. Solomon was already wise enough to know how to answer God's question.

Wisdom and knowledge is exactly what Solomon needed.


A simple question: What do you want? A simple answer: What I need.

It could happen to you. Need to change the wording for this one. This does happen to you.

God is always asking you, "What do you want?" Then he waits for your answer.

When you answer are you wise like Solomon? Is your answer what you want? Or is your answer what you need? There is a big difference.

"What do you want?" God asks you.

With a smile and desire, you reply, "I want to be rich so I can buy a new car, fancy clothes and the best of the best. I want to be healthy so I can dance and run and shop. I want you to get rid of one pesky neighbor who is always bothering me."

Or do you answer another way.

"What do you want?" God asks you.

In a quiet voice you reply, "I want enough to live and help others. I want you to be there as my body hurts, my eyes blur and sounds disappear. I want you to walk with me as I visit my neighbor."

Do you remember what happened to Solomon when God heard his answer? Solomon received what he needed and so much more.

God will do the same for you. God will bless you. Maybe not with a new car or a new neighbor, but with a new outlook on what you need. He will also bless you with forgiveness and eternal life.

"What do you want?" God asks you.

How will you answer?

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