Friday, May 24, 2024


A quick trip to see my sister — a short three and half hour drive.  Over the years, I have made this trip many times.  I know the way.  I know the roads.  I know how — I forgot.  It is construction season in Indiana.  Everyone thinks our state has four seasons.  Nope.  Only two.  Construction and too cold to work.

I made good time from our town to the next.  A quick 14 miles.  I picked up US 24 and there they were: Orange Barrels or the smaller Orange Cones or the even smaller Orange Sticks.  The Orange Barrels are large and easy to spot.  We have also been trained to see the Orange Cones.  They look like orange dunce hats.  I guess you have to be a dunce not to see them.  Then, to test the skill of drivers, small orange poles were placed down the middle of lanes.  Yes, Construction Season is a festival of orange.

Back to my quick three and half hour drive.  My hope of construction being in this one location was quickly dashed.  Construction areas never make sense.  Everyone was traveling along, missing every barrel, cone and post, when the end of construction sign appeared and all lanes were open…..  for about five miles.  Then construction began again.  I swear they do this on purpose.  Exactly when the construction traffic has broken up and everyone is happily obeying the speed limit (I put that in just in case a policeman/highway patrol is reading this.) ….  a new sign appears: Entering Construction Zone.  Once again, orange as far as the eye could see.

I think by now you get the idea and I finally did reach my destination— one hour and 15 minutes later than I should have.  What about coming home?  Believe it or not, one road I had been on, just 24 hours before, was now closed and a gazillion orange barrels had magically appeared on new stretches of roads.  So, if you are considering taking a family vacation to see our wonderful state, stay home, hike around your back yard, and, if you really want to have fun, find a spot along one of the roads and wave at the parade of drivers swearing and trying to avoid those orange things.

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.    Romans 5:3-5

Construction Season: For sure we need perseverance (to get through the construction zone) character (a test of how we behave while driving between the barrels), and hope (that the construction zone will end).

BUT isn’t that what our lives are like?  Ole Satan places obstructions throughout our lives.  They are not orange and they are not easy to see and those obstructions cause us to suffer.  It is only by the Glory of God that we have the character and hope to persevere.  Sooooo, be careful this summer when you are traveling in a construction zone and always be on the lookout for Satan’s invisible obstructions.

Have a great summer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good email, Mary. We can never avoid the problems life throws at us. But with Gods help we will make it through. Have a good day
and see you soon. Love and hugs. Judy