Friday, April 28, 2017


When making that gratitude list or saying a prayer or going around the table in Sunday School telling what blessing you received this week, how do you answer?  Do you give the typical answers of my family, my friends, forgiveness, mercy, grace and eternal life?  Do you ever throw in there, “And all the little blessing I do not even notice.”? 

That is what I want to do today.  I want to make a list of all those not so little things.

Wow, this could be a very long list.  To start with there is --

·         the way it feels to squish mud between your toes and how it feels to lay in the grass and see clouds become dogs or cats or elephants or ice cream cones,
·         how a child's hand feels in yours when they are trusting you to get them to the other side of the street,
·         the absolute carefree joy of feeling the wind in your hair when you are driving along on a beautiful summer day,  (This only works if you remembered to forego the hair spray or still have hair.)
·         the inner calm that comes from walking the beach and watching the waves come and go.  The tide carries your troubles away and brings back a peaceful spirit,
·         the taste of cheesecake,
·         the look in the eyes of a dog,


·         the sizzling, popping and cracking sounds the wood in a fireplace makes.

Of course no list would be complete without --

·         swinging,
·         talking to children,
·         hearing stories about our parents, when we are old enough to appreciate them,
·         unwrapping a package,


·         the words please and thank you.

Nothing tastes as good as –

·         licking the paddle after the homemade ice cream is done,
·         popcorn while watching a movie,
·         the last piece of pizza,
·         an apple right off the tree


·         peanut butter on pancakes.

Also, not to be forgotten are --

·         sitting quietly in church,
·         hearing a favorite hymn,


·         stained glass windows.

When you look back over this list, I am sure you could add many, many things.  The point I am trying to make is not to forget the small things, because they are not small. 

Through Jesus we receive so many magnificent blessings.  And I want every one of them.  I am greedy that way.  But I also want the little things that get me through the day. 

The words I love you                           An unexpected smile                          A sincere compliment
A tooth brush                                      A good cup of coffee                          A gentle breeze
Sometimes tears                                  A cold glass of water                          Laughter
Rest                                                     Conversation                                       My iPad

I will bless them and the places surrounding my hill.
I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing.
Ezekiel 34:26

In 1883, Daniel W. Whittle wrote the hymn “There Shall be Showers of Blessing.  The first stanza and refrain go like this:

There shall be showers of blessing:
This is the promise of love;
There shall be seasons refreshing,
Sent from the Savior above.

Showers of blessing,
Showers of blessing we need:
Mercy-drops round us are falling,
But for the showers we plead.

Question:  What “not so little thing” have you been blessed with today?

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