Friday, June 22, 2018


If you are reading this around 11:30 AM, I am getting the stitches out from my carpel tunnel surgery.  I had the left hand done in March and the right hand the 11th.   Soon I will be back to normal (or as normal as I ever get) except my hands will not hurt. 

When the use of my left hand was limited, it did not seem too bad.  I am right handed.  Very right handed.  So, day to day life moved along.  Not so much this time!

You did see the “very” before right handed, didn’t you?  Do you know how hard it is to wash one hand?  I learned from last time and set hand wipes at every sink for this recovery time.  I also found out my tooth brush is for right handed people.  It did not want to work properly in my left hand, so I held the brush still and moved my head.  (Go ahead and laugh at the picture you have in your mind.  Better yet, try it.)  Putting on make-up sorta worked.  I got the foundation on with my left hand.  Easy!  Then came eye shadow and lipstick.  I quickly decided eye shadow was not that important and the lipstick was on the lips … so declared my attempts a success. 

Hair is another matter entirely.  How easy it was with my right hand.  Brush the wet hair to the back.  Make a part and pull some down above my ears.  Scrunch in a bit of curl.  Done!  BUT – left handed, the brush just did not cooperate.  Maybe it is a right handed brush.  And try making a part.  And I gave up on the cow lick I have had since birth. 

Hubby, bless his heart, did his usual chores and took on cooking while I supervised.  A two pound weight limit, on that right hand, limited what I could pick up.  I swear there is nothing in our kitchen that weighs less than two pounds!  We did eat!  After hubby cut up my food. 

Picking up that fork or spoon with my left hand made me quickly realize I should have paid more attention to angles in math class.  The angle of the right hand inserting food into the mouth is not the same for the left hand.  Maybe there is left handed silverware. 

Plus, scissors do not cut paper and snippers do not cut roses when held in the left hand.  Yes, this has been a learning experience for a very right handed person to do things with her left hand.

Having no idea what to write for this week, I started in and hopefully this gives you a chuckle.  Is there a lesson in here somewhere?  Probably but I am not going to look for it.  So if you find a lesson, let me know.

Celebrate each day and stock up on left handed toothbrushes, hair brushes, silverware and scissors.  You just never know when you might need them.  You might want to practice using the left handed silverware.  Or go back to math class and study angles because everything sure is backwards.

1 comment:

Nana's Nook said...

I got a laugh and half on this one. I know what your saying is so true. I’ve been there a few times myself.