Friday, September 14, 2018


I love –
            wiggling my toes in mud,
            watching a gentle rain and how the air smells after a storm,
            the laughter of children,
            the wrinkles of life,
            the hymn Here I Am Lord,
            finishing a jigsaw puzzle
            reading, learning and technology,
            music and quiet,
            driving back roads,
            and my family.

I love –
            a glass of cold water,
            leaves in the fall,
            the ocean and the mountains,
            and friends.

I love –
            watching a sunset,
            wind blowing my hair,
            and God.

This list could go on and on.  Life is so full of blessings to enjoy – to love.  How do I describe standing on the edge of an ocean or looking up at a mountain?  How do I explain the feeling of holding the hand of a loved one?  How do I tell you the feeling of being on a ship in the middle of the ocean?  How do I put into words the power of a buffalo?  Life is so full of blessings to enjoy – to love.

Wow God!  So many blessings in my – our – day to day lives.  Some we take for granted like that morning cup of coffee.  Some we hold close and pray we never forget like the laughter of children.  Some we are guilty of never seeing because they are so common like a glass of water.  We daily thank you for the biggies:  family, friends, home, health, but today we thank you for all the joys, blessings and gifts you have so generously given us.  Amen

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