Friday, September 21, 2018


I have ongoing sinus problems.  Just part of me.  I can sneeze 7-8-13 times in a row.  When I start sneezing, hubby starts counting.  13 is the highest.  Sneezing makes my eyes water, my nose run and …  Well, you get the picture.  It is just part of me, until this last weekend.

For some reason I felt lousy.  My head hurt.  My ears hurt.  My eyes hurt.  And I was not sneezing.  A call was made, an appointment was open, the doctor agreed with me, and a prescription for an antibiotic was written.

Take a pill and feel better!  I wish there were pills for things other than sinus infections.

Take a pill and quit hating – I do not understand hate.  There are people and actions I do not like, but how can anyone hate another person because of the color of their skin?  God made each one of us – we are His children.  When did hate between the political parties become acceptable?  A difference of opinion does not mean you quit respecting the person.  I wish there was a pill to end hate.

Take a pill and enjoy life – I do not understand those that only find the bad in life.  How do people become so bitter that they do not see the wonder around them?  How can anyone not feel the gentle breeze or stop to enjoy the sky turning gold and pink and purple?  I wish there was a pill to restore joy.

Take a pill and be thankful – The words “thank you” are slowly disappearing from our vocabulary.  Why should I thank someone?  They only opened a door.  Why should I thank mom/dad?  They are my parents.  Why should I thank the minister?  It is their job.  I wish there was a pill to instill gratitude.

Take a pill and be changed – Oh how people do not want to hear the word change.  It actually makes them shudder.  I always eat at 5:00!  I will not go to the earlier/later service at church!  I …..  I wish there was a pill to make people realize change can be good.

Take a pill ----  Oh, wait.  I have a better idea!

Read the Word of God.  Believe me – you will be changed!  And with that change you will become thankful.  You will find joy as your eyes are opened to the wonders of God.  You will put hate aside when God’s love fills your soul.

So, take the Word of God and call me in the morning.

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