Friday, January 25, 2019


Being Lay Leader during January, I started the month and told our church they were filled with a great sense of humor and that we should come to church with joy in our hearts.

January 13, I told them they should get up on Sunday and say, “I am so excited.  I get to go to church today.”

January 20, I was going to say something about the congregation being the life of the church, but I was not there.  Why?  Because our grandson was choosing a new life – an eternal life!  He was baptized!

There are a gazillion articles, books and papers written on how our lives change once we accept Christ as our Savior.  Some books point out person after person who continued on with their lives as if nothing had happened and use that as proof that God is not real.  Others tell of miraculous changes where addictions are instantly left behind.  And some tell how the changes are subtle, happening slowly as greed turns into generosity and selfishness into compassion and hate into love. 

As I thought about this, I wondered:  What else changes when someone becomes a true believer?

HEAVEN?  Do the carpenters get busy and add another room to the mansion?  Do the angels look down at Satan and go, “Na, na, na, na.  This one is ours!”  Is another heavenly robe sown? 

Yes, I am being a bit silly, but the question remains:  What changes when someone truly chooses a new life? 

THE PERSON:  Even a person who grew up in the church and has always believed changes when they make a personal commitment.  Maybe, slowly at first, thoughts change.  Attitudes change.  Actions change.  A person changes when they fully accept that the Cross is for them!

THE FAMILY:  When a family has a commitment to a new life in Christ, the family changes.  I am in no way saying the terrible twos will not happen, those dreaded teenage years will be smooth sailing or that life will be a bed or roses.  Life changes because the family is united in their faith.  Their faith directs family situations to be handled with respect and love and wisdom.

(Disclaimer:  Pastor Larry also writes a blog:  https://larry- fromthepastorsdesk.blogspot. com/ but you need to know we never discuss what the other is writing and it is absolutely a coincidence when the blogs are on the same topic.  It is also a coincidence when the ideas swimming in my head are mentioned during the Sunday sermon.)

THE CHURCH:  What exactly happens when the Church makes a commitment to a new life in Christ?  THE CHURCH CHANGES!  The focus and the direction of the church changes.  Eyes open and see.  Hands unclasp and do.  Hearts thaw and feel.  Doors open wide.  And a church works as one, using each talent and gift to the Glory of God.


January 20, I was going to say something about the congregation being the life of the church, but I was not there.  Why?  Because our grandson was choosing a new life – an eternal life!  He was baptized!


One person chooses a new life – an eternal life – and thoughts, attitudes and actions change.

One family commits to a new life in Christ and family situations are handled with respect and love and wisdom.

One church makes a commitment to a new life in Christ and begins to work as one, using each talent and gift to the Glory of God


One person changes their life, which can change a family, which can change a church, which can change a community, which can change a country, which can change the world.

That means we are ---- come back next week to see.

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