Friday, July 24, 2020


I manage the website and Facebook page for our church. 

The Facebook page has three, reoccurring, weekly posts: Monday Funny, Wednesday’s Songs and Sunday Worship times.  I search for cartoons (church appropriate), listen to song after song on YouTube (believe me there are some really bad singers out there), and put together a “come to church” reminder.  This is a way to reach out to the congregation and friends during the week. 

There is one problem with picking songs.  No matter how hard I try to use each song only once, one song has been used three times.  I can guarantee it will be used again.  Hey, I am picking the songs and this hymn is my most favorite. 

Here I Am Lord, was written in 1981 by Dan Schutte.  39 years – does that mean it is old enough to be a traditional hymn or still new enough to be contemporary?  Either way, I love this hymn.  It touched me the first time I heard it and that feeling has never changed.

This song covers it all.  It tells us who the Lord is.  He is the Lord of the sea, sky, snow, rain, wind, flame, and stars.  The Lord hears our cry, borne our pain, and tends the poor and lame.  He will save us from the dark and sin, has wept for us, and will set a feast for us with the finest bread.  The Lord will make our darkness bright, give us hearts full of love, speak to us, and give us life.

This song, sadly, tells us what the people do.  The people turn away.

In this song, the Lord asks, “Who will bear my light to them so I can speak my word and give them life.  WHOM SHALL I SEND?”

I have used this song after almost every message I have given.  I have never sung this song without raising my hand, as I asked the question, “Here I am, Lord.  Is it I, Lord?  I heard you calling in the night.”

I have never sung this song without tears in my eyes, as I answered, “I will go, Lord, if you lead me.  I will hold your people in my heart.”

Where does the Lord want me to go?  I know he gives me words and then I turn them over to him.  I have no control over who will or will not read them.  He will direct those words where he wants them to go.

I know he has put trials in my life that I did not want and did not understand.  I also know those trials have given me an understanding of what others are going through and the opportunity to encourage them.

I know he gave me a desire to hear other’s stories.  I have met amazing strangers because they made a comment and I asked a question.  I have heard joyful and sad stories from people I know.  I love to record their stories and need to start doing that again.  Or maybe, recording stories is something the Lord had me do for a certain time and place.

Sometimes I have no idea where the Lord is leading me.  I only know one thing.  After hearing this song, all those years ago, my hand raises and my heart, my very soul, cries out, “Here I am, Lord.  Is it I, Lord?  I will hold your people in my heart.”

If you have never heard this song, please use this link:

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