Friday, July 10, 2020


Every so often, something reminds me of a previous blog or message.  This was my reminder this week.
This is a pin I have had for years.  From way back when pins were popular.  I wore this when I was having a bad day.  Sometimes I would wear it for a week.  Bad days can turn into weeks and years.  It was a fun pin to wear.  It made people laugh.  Just about everyone could relate.  When things are going bad, we want to know why.

We ask, “What did I ever do to deserve this?”  Know what?  God never gave me a list.  He just promised to get me through.


In 2001, a friend encouraged me to take a Lay Speaker class.  I am not sure how it happened, but, as my mind was screaming NO, my mouth said okay.  Off to Lay Speaker 101 I went.  I figured it would be interesting and the book and class would give me tips on how to speak in public.  It was only when the leader informed us we would be writing and presenting a ten minute message that I realized I WILL HAVE TO ACTUALLY SPEAK IN PUBLIC!  I know.  I know.  You are laughing at the thought of me being so … so   We will leave it at so…

Hubby was no help.  He chuckled and asked, “Exactly what did you think you would do in a Lay Speaker class?”  Then, as he has always done, he encouraged me and I began to worry about what to say.  10 minutes!  I continued to wonder what to write as I prepared for the first assignment:  a short devotional.  Although there were no blogs back in the dark ages, I did a monthly writing for the church newsletter.  Writing a short devotional would be a piece of cake.  Not so easy to present.  Present to a class of people.  Real live people! 

Written.  Rehearsed.  Ready.  Set.  Take a deep breath.  Go.  What happened?  It took five minutes to read it at home.  I think it took two and a half when I read it to the class.  The comments all said, “Talk slower.” 

Moving toward the ten minute message, panic set in.  If five minutes could be said in two and a half minutes, how much would I have to write to last ten minutes?  Two pages?  Three?  Four?  Then I remembered the advice:  talk slower.  Maybe I could throw in a southern accent.  That would slow it down.  Then I thought, “Talk slow on what?”  A subject.  I need a subject.


I saw the pin.  I began to write.

(Excerpts from that message)

Why me Lord?  I have asked that question many times.  …..  Have you raised your fist toward the heavens and asked loudly?  Have you bowed your head and asked quietly?  Have you just asked, confused as to why things are happening?  Why me Lord?

Maybe I was asking this question at the wrong times.  Since then, I have had many quiet talks with God.

That day all I wanted was a subject.  I wanted something…anything…to write about.  What I received was a gift.  A thought.  A different perspective. 

Why me Lord?  I am no better than anyone else.  Why am I so fortunate?  Why am I allowed to…?

WHY LORD?  What have we ever done in our lives that could possibly begin to earn us your gifts, your wonderful blessing?

“What did I ever do to deserve this?”

How will you ask this question?

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