In this day and age, why would anyone watch the news? Why pick up a newspaper? Why turn the radio to anything except good ole rock’n roll? It is not like the news is even news! You have to pick out the truth and it is harder than getting something out that is stuck between two teeth. I JUST WANT THE NEWS!
asked me why I even read the news. Why
do I get upset? Why do I post on
Why do I look up more than one source?
It is New Year’s Eve and I am sure you all have big plans, so this blog is going to be very short, but I want to answer the question on why I pay attention to the news. It is simple: I want to be informed. I want to know how local, national, and worldwide events will apply to my life. I want to know before it is too late to change the direction our world and my life might be taking.
This is the same reason I pray and read the Bible and go to church. I want to know how God’s word applies to my life. I want to know before it is too late to change the direction my life might be taking.
I am only one person, one voice and I have no control over the direction of the world. BUT, I do have control over the direction my life is taking and I have made one very important decision.
I choose to believe in Jesus Christ as the only Son of the one true God. I confess that I am a sinner and do not deserve even a small crumb from the heavenly table of blessings. I am A Child of God and will have eternal life, through the death of Jesus, on the Cross, and His resurrection.
this year ends, you have the choice to begin a new year in a new direction. What choice will you make?
Happy New
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