Friday, October 14, 2022


Every so often I forget and make the comment, “Well, you know how my mind works.”  Why should I not make this comment?  The minute the words are out of my mouth anyone within ear shot replies, “No one knows how your mind works.” 

I have two pictures that might help you understand why this is a true assessment.

I will admit my mind does work in a unique way.  At my age, I still see cloud shapes.  Just this week I saw a dog!  I really tried to help hubby see the dog, but all he saw was a cloud.  He needs his imagination checked.

Going down the road, my mind wonders why someone would leave that tree in the middle of the field to farm around.  Or what are those black tarp-like things? (Found out they shade ginseng.)  Or how did they get that power line over the mountain?  Of course, all of these are directed to Bill.  He usually replies, “Do I look like the Shell Answer Man?”  (If you recognize “Shell Answer Man” you are approaching old.)  I can also see an abandoned house and picture the family that lived there.  When going through North Dakota, I saw an Indian Chief, proudly sitting on his horse, on a rock outcropping along the highway.  And, when I see a buffalo, I see how the west looked before the first stranger came over the horizon.


Are you wondering what this has to do with church and hymns?  Well….. one Sunday, when I was Lay Leader, the congregation sang When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder, I’ll Be There.  Now that is a toe tapper.  Then, and this is where my imagination kicked in, the song during the offering was I’ll Fly Away.

I am sitting there trying not to giggle.  Or even laugh out loud.  The song ended and I said, “I have a very vivid imagination so when she started playing that, I thought, ‘Yup, when the roll is called up yonder I am going to fly away,’ so if ya all ain’t flying with me and I’m up here some Sunday, I’m just gonna disappear.”

I guess this leads to the question:  When the roll is called up yonder, will you fly away? 

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