Friday, March 03, 2023


Sunday, March 12, Hawaii and most of Arizona, where common sense prevails, will not use precious time changing the time on clocks and watches.  If I counted right, we will change the time on 22 clocks, watches, timers, devices, and vehicles.  What a waste of time!!!  Everyone says follow the science.  News Flash!!!  You can call it Daylight Savings Time, but there are only so many hours of daylight and messing with the small hand or a digital number will not make one bit of difference.

This got me to wondering what other stupid laws are on the books.  Without googling, I already know the answer: WAY TOO MANY!!  I googled anyway.  Did you know that, in Alaska, you cannot —- get ready —- wake a sleeping bear to take a selfie?  If you are a pickle producer, in Connecticut, make sure your pickles bounce.  Yes, the state ordinance says that a real pickle should bounce when dropped from the height of one foot.

Want to be kind and surprise a friend or neighbor with a pizza or other food delivered straight to their home?  Better think twice if you live in Louisiana.  You could be fined $500 or be thrown in the slammer for six months!  This is considered harassment.  Thinking about food — if you are in Claremont, New Hampshire, do not — I repeat — do not consume alcoholic beverages or have a picnic in a cemetery.  Continuing with another food law, if you want some good, like grandma made, fried chicken, do not steal a feathered fowl in Rhode Island.  They take stealing chickens very seriously and you shall (not could, but shall) be punished by imprisonment for not more than five years or a $500 fine or both.

I am glad I do not live in Philadelphia.  All businesses are required to pay a one-time $300 license fee or $50 annually to operate in the city.  Recently the law was extended to include bloggers.

How are we supposed to know all these laws?  How are we to obey all these laws?  I am sure the Israelites felt the same way.  Leviticus is full of laws.  Some make sense and I particularly like Leviticus 19:32.  Some do not, such as Leviticus 19:27.  Some sorta make sense.  I sew and understand Leviticus 19:19.  Sewing two kinds of material does not always work.

The Old Testament is full of God’s laws and they were hard to keep.  The priests used their power and continued to add to God’s laws.  That means a double dose of you shall and you shall nots.  Confusion!  How can a person keep every law?  The truth is simple:  We cannot.  Try as we might, we mess up.  We break the laws of man and we break the laws of God.  We have no hope of ever being a 100% law abiding person.  No hope… No hope …

We will never be a 100% law abiding person, BUT we do have hope!  We do have a way!

Jesus Christ fulfilled the Prophets in that, in His first coming alone, He fulfilled hundreds of prophecies concerning Himself (e.g., Matthew 1:2213:35John 19:36Luke 24:44). Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law in at least two ways: as a teacher and as a doer.  He taught people to obey the Law (Matthew 22:35–40Mark 1:44), and He obeyed the Law Himself (John 8:461 Peter 2:22).  In living a perfect life, Jesus fulfilled the moral laws; in His sacrificial death, Jesus fulfilled the ceremonial laws.  Christ came not to destroy the old religious system but to build upon it; He came to finish the Old Covenant and establish the New.   

Taken from

Jesus was speaking in Matthew 5:17 and declared that he did not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets.  He told us that he came to fulfill them.  Jesus fulfilled the law for us!

Now isn’t that just the best news you have heard today?

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