Friday, March 22, 2024


Have you ever looked for something and couldn’t find it? You can remember the last time you used it. When you were done, you put it back in the correct location. Except, no matter how many times you open the drawer, nothing. It is not there! If I am honest, 99.9% of the time I can find anything in our home.

Now, not to male bash, but hubby can lose something and look and look and look. Finally, he will tell me what he is looking for. And just like that, I see it lying there. Right in front of his eyes, but he could not see it. I guess new eyes were needed.

Mary was weeping. The tomb was empty. She could not find Jesus. He was not there! She saw the angels. (Notice the men did not see the angels, but we will let them off the hook. Maybe the angels were not there when they looked and entered the tomb.) Not only were the angels sitting there, they spoke to Mary and asked why she was weeping. After telling them that the body of Jesus had been taken away, she turned around. And there stood…. the gardener. At least that is what Mary thought. Jesus was still missing.

Jesus spoke her name and she recognized his voice. Mary’s eyes were opened because the sheep recognized the Shepherd’s voice. With new eyes, she saw Jesus.

Being afraid of the Jews, the disciples were not out seeking Jesus. They were in a room with the doors shut. If a grave cannot hold Jesus, a door doesn’t stand a chance. Just like that, Jesus was before them and showed them his hands and his side. With new eyes, they saw him!

Do you have new eyes? Can you see Jesus as you go through your days and nights? Can you see him in your sisters and brothers at church? Can you see him in the unexpected help that comes when you need it? Can you see him as he gives you just the right words to say or deed to do? Can you see him?

Easter is early this year - March 31. Are you ready?

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