Friday, August 16, 2024



And He looked around to see her who had done this thing.  But the woman, fearing and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell down before Him and told Him the whole truth.  And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well.  Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction.”       Mark 5:32-34


One last time, look at the woman, before Jesus.  She is scared, trembling.

I was so frightened when I heard Jesus say, “Who touched my clothes?”  I fell down before him and told him my whole story.  I told him about being unclean.  I told him about having a flow of blood for 12 years.  I told him how I had spent all my money trying to find a cure, but that my condition had only gotten worse.  I told him everything.  I saw his eyes as I told him I only wanted to touch his garment.  His eyes were only on me, as we were the only people in the universe.  I bowed my head and said, “I only wanted one touch.  I knew I would be healed.  I only wanted one touch.”

My breathing was so shallow … My heart was barely beating … My ….  What did he say?

He - Jesus - called me his daughter.  He said my faith had made me well.  He told me to go in peace.  He - Jesus - said I was healed.

And then I realized, my name is no longer ‘unclean.’


Wow.  If you are like me, you need a minute to process this story.  The emotions of the woman were intense.  She listened as people talked about Jesus and she took what she heard seriously.  Her desire to be healed gave her the courage to act.  Her courage to take action, caused her to succeed.  When she succeeded, she was rewarded.  She received a miracle.

A few things to think about:

Why wasn’t Jesus unclean after the woman touched his clothes?  The Law said he would be.  BUT, through Jesus the penalties of the Law are reversed, and the contamination of this world had no effect on Christ.  The woman did not make Jesus (God’s dwelling) unclean—He made her clean!

Jesus can multitask.  He was on the way to wake a sleeping child, who was dead by the standards of the world, when he healed the woman who had bleed for 12 years.  The faith of the woman was strong enough to be felt through a gentle touch.

The power of Jesus healed the woman.  Why didn’t he just nod at her and keep on walking?  Jesus stopped what He was doing and acknowledged the result of this woman’s faith:  her complete and instantaneous healing.

The emotions of the woman were intense.  Her name was no longer unclean.  He called her daughter.

Thank you for walking with the woman on her path to healing.





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