Friday, September 23, 2022


How does it feel to meet someone really famous?  Or a very important person?  This question is how I was going to start a Sunday School lesson.  The lesson was based on how people fell at Jesus’ feet or instantly knelt, but the discussion starter was to show the difference of meeting today’s important or famous people and meeting Jesus.  The only famous person I have personally met is Matthew West and that was for a quick handshake and picture with him.  I needed some input from someone who had met an important person.

I was thinking about this as I waited for my Mary Kay representative, Marie Quick.  My mind was going one place and then another, trying to imagine being in the presence of an important person.  Besides, what makes a person important?  As my mind was meandering here and there, Marie dove in.  As she walked toward the porch, it hit me … I wonder how she felt when she was around Mary Kay, the founder of the company?  Did she meet her up close and personal?  And poor Marie, not knowing I was going to bombard her with questions, sat down, smiled, and said, “Good morning Mary.  It is so good to see you.”

I replied, “It is good to see you too.  Marie, will you answer some questions to help me prepare for a Sunday School class?”  Marie, having been in a previous class I taught, thought for a minute, scrunched her brow, and finally said a slow drown out, “Y…e…s.”  Bless her heart!

When was the first time you met Mary Kay?  How did you prepare?  How did it feel?

Marie:  I never met Mary Kay one on one.  Some representatives would make their way up to her and she always spoke to each person that approached her.  The first time I was in the same room with her was when I earned the right to attend the meeting because of sales and “moving up the Mary Kay ladder.”  I spent extra time getting ready.  Of course, I wanted my make-up to be perfect and my red jacket immaculate.

I was nervous and excited and overwhelmed and blessed.  She founded the company on the same principles I have:  God first, Family second and Country third.  I can still see it in my mind.  Although I had travelled with friends, they had not worked at sales long enough or hard enough to be invited to this special meeting.  Some did not want to take the path up the company ladder. 

It did not take long for those at the table to start sharing their stories, struggles, and hints.  What an evening and I will never forget looking across the room and seeing representatives from across the country wearing their red jackets and being very professional.

What has been the hardest part? What have you received from being a Mary Kay?

Marie:  The hardest part is reaching out to people I do not know.  I have moved numerous times and know how to talk to people, but it is still hard to try to sell something to a woman or man, now that we carry products for men.  Make-up and skin care is very personal and it can take a few visits for anyone to feel comfortable with me.

What have I received?  That is easy!  I help women feel better about themselves by learning skin care and proper make-up application. 


People will come from east and west and north and south, and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God.  Luke 13:29

Are you prepared to attend the “feast in the kingdom of God”?

Have you helped others find their way to the feast?

How will you feel as you glance back at family and friends who chose a different path?

As you arrive, will you be nervous, excited, overwhelmed, … blessed?

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