Friday, September 20, 2024


Our grandson is getting married in just a few days.  Last Sunday, our son and I went to their wedding shower.  Yes, this shower was for the Bride and Groom.  The shower was a two- and a half-hour drive --- one way, but we were more than happy to make the drive.  Besides, it was a beautiful day and we had time to talk.  Of course, talking meant missing when the road turned --- twice.  I don’t know why they hide road signs.  (You are to give an “I have been there” nod.)

We arrived at the location and the parking in front of the venue was all shut off by orange cones.  Well, being a talented driver, our son popped right between those orange cones so I could get out and not have to walk from a parking lot somewhere.  Our grandson was watching and immediately came out to help me in.  He grabbed the gifts and in we went.

You know how these events go.  Mingle.  Talk.  His side.  Her side.  A nice lunch.  A typical shower game.  It was a small shower so all went wonderfully until ---- it was announced that they had decided to open the gifts at home.  Our grandson was standing right beside me and that is when my mouth said what my brain was thinking.

With a look that only a grandma can give, I said, “I did not ride two and a half hours to not see you open your gifts.”  Grandson quickly said they would open our gifts.  Then our son spoke up, “You cannot open just one gift.  Either none or all.”

With that it was announced that the gifts would be opened there.  And as they reached for a gift, the giver would move to the edge of their chair and watch with great expectations.  The giver grinned from ear to ear when they saw the reaction to their gift.  The bride and groom could comment and say thank you directly to each person. 

And we went home.


I wonder if that is how Jesus feels as he gives gifts to his children.  Does he sit on the edge of his seat to watch our reaction?  Do we quickly unwrap each gift and realize its value?  Do we see his smile and the sparkle in his eyes as we look up in wonder at his generosity?  Do we toss one gift aside to open the next or do we humbly thank him for each one?


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Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.  Indeed, THE WATER I GIVE THEM WILL BECOME IN THEM A SPRING OF WATER WELLING UP TO ETERNAL LIFE.”                    John 4:10, 13

Oh, how amazing are the gifts we receive from our Lord and Savior. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful as always